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Any offers to shoot a Toronto Wedding?


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I am desperately seeking a wedding photographer for my wedding in

Toronto on October 31st / 04. I'm on a tight budget - as I'm sure

everyone and their sister is.... and don't want any of these huge

wedding package deals. I just want a guy or girl and their camera to

take some fun, creative shots.... It's a tiny wedding - only 17 of

us in total and it's non-traditional. My partner and I are both

artists and just want to capture the artistic and creative elements

of the day. We would only need someone for a maximum of 3 hours and

the day would start at about 3:45 - the ceremony is at 4 - it's

20mins long and then there's some cocktails followed by a dinner -

we'd only need the photographer until we're ready to sit down for


Obviously this would be in Canadian funds - any toronto

photographers on this forum who'd be interested in doing some

wedding shots with a twist for a change?

I'm not looking for a freebie - I'd get my neighbor if that's what I

wanted. I'd like a professional - and I know you're not free.

What would be a reasonable price for 3 hours work on a Sunday


Any takers?? Daniela

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That's Halloween eve in the USA Daniela.


I'd do it just because my wife and I like Toronto as a get away.


If you don't get any locals (where's that Windsor assistant when you need him? ; -)) e-mail

me and I'll see what's up that weekend. Maybe we'll work out something. Hey, ya never


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Hi Marc and CD - Indeed it is Hallow's Eve.

CD - I'd like something different - I suppose if I had to name it it would be informal and non-traditional with a quirky twist. CD - I saw the b&w's you had posted of Nana - nice work.

We are not going to be in costume - I just want the photographer to have some fun with the camera - and perhaps different formats (we are lovers of large format - but I totally get the price constraints!)

Marc - You mentioned Windsor - does that mean there would be travel costs? I can't stress enough the tight budget we're on - I would prefer not to use someone who has to travel to do the shoot.


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Yeah, you really need a local.


I meant that IF we came, it'd be to drive up from Detroit to visit Toronto, and oops, oh my,

there just happens to be a wedding that Saturday... as I compulsively shoot it because I

can't help myself ; -) It IS a sickness you know. And I could use your budgeted money to

by medication for the mental illness we call photography. How much is that in Canadian



But I'd have to check with my boss, the lady I keep giving jewelry to, in case we already

have plans then.

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i'm aross the pond in rochester and with the fast ferry it makes it pretty easy to get across. i could get a price list together based on what u want and i'm sure we could come up with some agreement cause i'd like a day off as well from work and it'd make a nice little vacation. email me with any info and i'll get back to you asap.


from across the pond,

chris fall

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Daniela....as a hobby photographer, but one who reads this forum most every day because it's so interesting, if you get a chance to Get Marc to shoot your wedding it would be a catch. I know the other people are excellent but Marc specializes in creative photography and "grabbing the moment". Good luck and have fun at your wedding....bob in georgia
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Hi Bob - I've been peeking in from time to time myself and have been to Marc's site - I've got my fingers crossed on his boss wanting a little R & R in Toronto for Halloween..... and us being able to strike a deal.... Wishful thinking on my part I suppose.

If I could entice you a bit Marc... My wedding is at the Old Mill Inn and they've opened a new hotel on the grounds which is stunning and rather quaint. I'm sure the boss would love the pampering.....

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Hah, Marc should just host a photo.net convention in Toronto and we could all go and mob him! He could then explain to us in detail what kind of supercooled liquid lenses he plans to use in 20 years, and whether he thinks the Nikon quadturbo D9000 or the Canon uberEOS will have the better atomic resolution and neuron-interface to really make effective direct-to-brain wedding photojournalism (sorry, see <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=009Kwl">this thread</a> if you don't quite follow). Al could come too, so we could see first hand whether or not he looks like any of the pics that have been posted.<p>Kidding aside, does anybody know if there been any photo.net forum "gatherings" before?
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Hey William - Some of the kids over on the street photography forum have gotten together for various events. They've done 24 hour street shoots in NYC, and have discussions for 24 hour shoots in LA, Toronto, and a few other places, but not here in Kansas City (oh well). Also, I know a few of the Leica folks in Toronto have gathered before, but not sure of how often.


Wouldn't it be something to have a dozen photographers flock to one wedding to shoot it?! I wish I had thought of that when I got married last year. I'd love to have Reina, Marc, Al, Maria, Jeff, and a few others interpret the same wedding. It'd be brilliant!

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Great shot Marc - It's a little late to plan for a Miami wedding...

Marc, have you had a chance to talk with the chief? Any signs of spending a Halloween in TO to shoot a Canadian wedding eh? I think I need to confirm with someone soon so I can have some piece of mind and move on to the next challenge.

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Yes, I just did. Unfortunately it can't happen.


Not that both of didn't want to really try.


But my wife Susan is running in the NY Marathon the following week-end.


It will be an intense time just before, as well as she can't take that much time off of work

that close together.


Maybe next time ; -)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Daniela,


You can give my wife and I a call at 416-554-3742, also you can check out our website... www.studioepic.com. However, you better look at the photo.net pictures (http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=573067) if you want to see some creativity. The stuff on the website is mostly what you would define as a "pose-o-rama" :)



Przemyslaw & Alice

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