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Hasselblad 50mm Vignetting


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I want to purchase a Hasselblad 50mm CF FLE. I prefer this one over

the newer CFi version because of the B60 filter size. (I can use my

existing filters.) When using a Hasselblad polarizer with lens hood,

has anyone experienced vignetting on the CF lens? I guess the point

of my question is why did Hasselblad opt to increase the filter size

to 70mm? If vignetting is an issue avoided on the CFi version, aside

from the external design, is there any difference in image quality

between the CF and CFi versions?


Your advice is appreciated. Jerry DiGiampaolo

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You can not go wrong with either lens.


However, the issue on filter size is confusing. Really there is NO difference between lens and filter size. If anything the CFi is the one that offers more flexiblity. If you buy a new CFi you will get step-down ring and lens cap for the B60 size. The instructions says that you can safely use in for ONE filter at a time.


The reason they went with the B70 was so that you can stack more than one filter at a time with minimal vignetting. This was the reason for the change in filter size from the CF. The CF lens has the same problem but no solutions.


Buy a "Rear Cover MultiControl (Back Cap)" for $14. There are four small holes (one in each corner) to check for vignetting.


I placed the back cap on the body and tried several filters, one at a time, including a Softar II, ND, Polarizer, and yellow filter. I check it at f4 and the vignetting was very minor.


Next, I stacked two and had only moderate vignetting. Finally, I stacked three and had severe vignetting wide open but only a little at f16.


The 50mm CFi is the best of both worlds. However, if you have a good deal on a used CF don't let this stop you. How often do you stack filters?


I use B60 filters with mine. I don't even own a B70 filter. Also I bought the Hassly Bay 70 to 77mm adapter to gain access to my 77mm filters for my Canon L lenses. (Most are B+W) This adapter works with the available lens hood.

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If you use the polarizer in combination with the Hasselblad Pro Shade, or even the regular Hasselblad lens hood, there is no problem. The polarizer uses the inner bayonnett mount while the Pro Shade or lens hood uses the outer bayonnett mount on the lens(the shade sticks out the same amount no matter how many filters you have stacked; however, the stacked filters do keep getting longer so to speak, so they could cause a problem as was already mentioned.
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