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Comments on Zuiko 50-250mm f5


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As for resolution and contrast it falls in between the other two.

Macro is not quite as the 65-200/4.

Bokeh is not considered to be as nice as the other two.

Tripod collar doesn't fit onto it as in the bigger and heavier 85-

250. Neither does it fit onto the 65-200, which BTW could have a

foggy rear element.

Although bigger, heavier, without macro capability, and

somehow lesser regarding definition and contrast at ~200mm, I

prefer the sturdier old two touch 85-250.

Just my opinion.

Good luck,


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I have had the 65-200, but it had a fogged rear element. Nonetheless, people seem to like this lens. I do have the 50-250 and love this lens. The boken seems good to me. It is small, takes 55mm filters and has a built in hood. This is one of my favorite lens, but I consider it a specialty lens. It is a great travel lens and probably one of the best action lens in olympus (if there is such a thing). I replaced by 300mm f4.5 and use this lens at 250mm as a similar quality, lighter version. The downside to this lens, not tripod collar and the close focuse isn't that good. The lack of a tripod collar is not important to me, but if it was I would get the 85-250. The CF is definitely lacking in this lens. At 50mm it focuses around 6ft (I think). Basically, it is a great lens for outdoor, travel type shots that is small. One other thought, it focuses very nicely for an f/5 lens (I do use a beattie and 2 series screens) and has good performance at f/5.
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