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Least expensive MF camera/system for landscape?


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<i><blockquote> Can you really pick up a GSW690II for $550 in the US?

</blockquote> </i><p>


Yes, if you look (and wait) hard enough. Sandy Sorlien picked up one for US $570

almost exactly two years ago as a fast-shooting adjunct for her LF gear. <p>


Right now keh.com has an original GW690 for US $484.

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I am happy to see the rolleicord recommendations here. I picked one up for . .

.free. Cost a hundred bucks to get it working. Here's the kicker: I figured, if

this beat up rollei can produce these negatives, just think what a hasselblad

will do! About a thousand bucks later, I still get better results from the rollei.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I bought an old used Fuji G690BL with standard 100mm lens, it cost $630 As Ellis said, a very good camera with 4 lenses.


I also want to buy a Super speed graphic, they are even cheaper than the Fuji, and they blow the socks off anything else I can afford.


Have fun.

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I strongly discourage you from buying a TLR for landscapes. It is very difficult to use graduated neutral density filters or a polarizer when you can't see through the lens. The SLR that I would recommend is the Pentax 67 or Pentax 67II. It is a great field camera for landscapes. The older, non-electronic Pentax 67 (latest model with mirror lockup, which is a must) is the most economical way to go and I think it is almost as nice as the later 67II, except that it is lacking the dioptor adjustment, aperture priority automation and a few other minor features, that are rather insignifigant for shooting landscapes. Used bodies and lenses are abundant on ebay, at extremely reasonable prices and the optics are optically outstanding. I think Pentax 67 lenses are the best bargain in medium format photography.
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