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Tripod Thread mounted belt clip for camera

kyle baker

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Sorry about the confusing title for this post, I cannot figure out what to call

these things. But I am interested in learning if this is a prop, or something you

can really buy: In the movie Vertical Limit, at the very beginning, one of the

characters is climbing a mountain and taking pictures, he then puts his

camera onto a belt clip, its not the best angle, but it looks like a kind of cell

phone type belt clip, where the little round part slides into a channel and

locks, accept it appears to be made of some sort of metal and instead of the

round part being sticky taped or glued on, it looks like it screws into the tripod

mounting threads. Does anyone know if these really exist, or if they are a prop

just for this film. Also if they do exist, where would you be able to buy one?


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This one looked similar but allot beefier, almost like it was CNC machined. Its

something im looking at for my old Pentax, just so i can climb with and and lug

it around when im doing activities that i dont want a huge backpack (I use a

Velocity 7 for my main camera but like to have a second camera with different

film on me). Im going to put a screenshot from the movie in my profile since i

cannot figure out how to add one to the post.

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I saw something like this in a British equipment catalogue many years ago.

Basically, it had a platform that screwed into the tripod socket then came up

behind the camera to form a clip. It didn't seem to be very popular, possibly

because you'd have problems getting your eye to the viewfinder.


I haven't seen anything like this since but the people who possibly could

make you one are SRB (http://www.srbfilm.co.uk). I don't think it would be


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i have designed one which is capable of secureing a slr to a climbing harness with a fast access and safe carrying but not bothered to pursue making it a reality. it requires milling complex parts with relativly tight tolerances and that takes time and money. i also lost intrest in lead climbing and toprope. just bouldering now...


in the future i might simplify the design for use with a smaller camera and actually make one or two. for now, the july issue of "Proffesional Photographer" featured david simmonite, he speciallizes in rock climbing related photography. he is based in the UK and has a websit davidsimmonite.com


he prolly knows of something...

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