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D70 underexposing?

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It apparently is biased to underexpose slightly, in order to avoid burnt-out highlights. You can make up for this by setting your exposure compensation to +3 or, even better, you can download <A href="http://fotogenetic.dearingfilm.com/custom_tone_curves.html">custom tone curves</A> that will solve this problem even more satisfactorily, when you load them into your camera using Nikon Capture Camera Control.
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I have not had that problem with my D70 (mostly using the short zoom that came with it

and on a few rare occasions using my new nikkor 60mm macro).


I do think Nikon has the meter attempting to do its best to keep highlight areas from

burning out in the picture.


I think the meter has been great.


Mark Sablow

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I think it exposes with remarkable accuracy, never seen anything as good before the D70's meter. Of course, it's target is to avoid significant blown-out highlights, because no adjustment later can recover them. I'd still say that it overexposes more often than underexposes if left without adjustment. By my definition overexposure is that it has lost information on the high end, while underexposure has really very little damaging effect on the end result. A remarkable machine.
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Alright, here is a related question. I have both Nikon Capture 4, and NIkon View 6, loaded on my computer. BTW, I got neither of these with my D70, had to procure them in other ways. When I hook my D70 up to the usb port, it recognizes the camera instantly, and I have no trouble downloading images to my hard drive. HOWEVER, when I attempt to open Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control I get a message that says, "No camera was found. If you already connected a camera, check the connection, If you connect a camera while this window is open, Image Transfer will not be used." SO, I went to nikonusa, found my way over to D70 Software Downloads, downloaded Digital Camera Drivers, unzipped the download, and find 3 files, NKCamUSD.dll, nkctlptp, and NKCTLPTP, none of which install when double clicked on.

How do I set my D70 up so it is recognized?


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Art, do what Bernard said, but if you go for the exposure compensation put +0.3 (not +3)

, this is what he means too I think.


Ken, change your D70 menu USB setting from Mass Storgage to P2P and it will work.

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Bernard, I checked out the tone curves. Alittle scared downloading something to my CAMERA and not the COMPUTER. I did pull over an all in one curve the guy said would work for anything.Let me try the exposure compensation first. Do you leave it at +3 all the time???? +3 is alttle high isn't it????
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Hey, Art--


Tri is correct. It should have said "+0.3", not "+3". Sorry--caffeine deficiency caused the typo (brain fart). And it's true you don't want to leave it there all the time; there are occasions where the normal setting works best; experience will show you those.


Don't be scared about loading a tone curve; the nice thing is, you can disable it if you want to in particular situations.


And, Ken, as a couple of posters said, you will need to download the latest updates--the version on the disc that came with the camera will not work, at least with MacOS 9.2. I had a devil of a time trying to load up the curves until I downloaded the two updates, both of which are roughly 35 MB in size.

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