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Your favorite two lens for 10D


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Hi Durr,


I assume that if you currently shoot an M6, you would be more of a 50mm or a 35mm prime lens shooter.


For the 10d with a 1.6x crop, I think you should start with a fast wide angle, so you would approximate what you are used to first on the M6, mainly with the 50mm and 35mm.


As a Leica shooter, I assume that you are also used to fast or very fast glass, so although the 17-40L is a great lens, at f4, you might find yourself struggling.


I would recommend any of the following:


Canon 16-35/2.8L: Expensive, very sharp, quiet, fast AF.

Sigma 20/1.8, cheap, noisy, very sharp lens, quite large.

Sigma 24/1.8, cheap, niosy, very sharp. (This is my "standard" lens on my 10d.

Canon 35/1.4, very expensive, very sharp, quiet, fast AF.


All the best.



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The 17-40's focal length range, quality, size & bang for the buck are all great, but: it's too short to be a portrait lens, if you are used to shooting f2 Leica lenses wide open f4 is slow, SLRs aren't very stealth for street shooting, you may want to work with a longer focal length.<br>


My favorite lens is the 24-70mm f2.8. Fast, super sharp, perfect focal length range for all kinds of shooting (38-112mm equivalent).<br>


For comparing portrait lenses, read this review comparing the 85 f1.8, 100 f2, and 135 f2.<br>


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Durr-I'm going to go way out on a limb and suggest a lens you don't hear too much about. For your portrait lens try the Tamron 28-105 f2.8 LD. That lens is absolutely beautiful with a great range to use for kids or otherwise. I hadn't really hear much about it until I went to a seminar with Joe Craig last year. He used that set up with the S2 with phenominal results. There isn't really a canon brand lens that comes close as far as cost effectiveness. By your other ideas, this lens may be a little more than you're wanting to spend but I doubt you'll be disappointed with its usefulness for portraits or the quality Tamron put into this lens. Consider this, a photographer such as joe craig, who makes tens of thousands of dollars and is GIVEN equipment to use, chose to buy this lens by himself and use it with a Nikon/Fuji camera. the best unsung lens out there.

good luck, robbie

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My 2 zooms: I'm really pleased with my cheap seats Sigma DC pair of zooms. 18mm-50mm f/3.5-f/5.6, and 55mm-200mm f/4 - f/5.6. Really nice, light, and small, albeit not very quiet, and you have to be careful to keep them in manual focus when attaching the lens hoods etc. Turning them while AF is engaged can be damaging, so they say. That's my 2 zooms and they're are excellent considering their price.


My 2 primes: A Canon 28mm f/2.8 (nice focussing scale on that), and the 50mm f/1.8 II. When I'm ready to up the anti I'll go with better primes rather than invest any more in zooms, but these work really well considering their low cost. Especially the 50mm. I'd like the 28mm more so if it were faster.. or wider.. or both!

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