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Going to Buenos Aires -- help me choose lenses!


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I'm leaving for South America in a little more than a month. I'm

trying to pare down my gear as much as possible in order to A) save

myself a back ache and B) look inconspicuous. I shoot photojournalism

and probably some vacation-type photos (architecture, landscape, etc.)


I have a Canon EOS 1n (with booster), a 540EZ speedlite, and the

following lenses: 24mm, 50mm, 28-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/2.8.


Right away, the PB-E2 booster and 70-200mm lens are staying home. Too

heavy, too big.


I'm trying now to decide whether I should bring my two primes (they're

light, fast and not as expensive) or just take the 28-70mm (bigger,

but more versatile). Also, what about the flash -- take it or leave it?


I'm actually considering buying an EOS 5 (they're dirt-cheap on

KEH.com right now) so I can have a quiet, cheap(er) camera with a

built-in flash.


Ugh. Decisions, decisions. What would you do?

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Probably the 28-70 for regular walkaround and swap to the 50mm when light gets low.


I went to Amsterdam last year and although I brought 3 lenses ranging from about 35mm to about 300mm, I ended up only using the 50/1.4 and EOS3 (booster stayed at home too).


Wonder why I even brought the rest. ggrrrrr.........................


Have fun !



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I'm going to Cuba in November and have the same problem.


It'll be a Contax G2 with 28, 45 and 90mm in any case. I'm still undecided about my D60 and lenses and the laptop to review pics and charger and ....<br>

OTOH I shot 725 pictures yesterday on a funsport event and had 50 of the best online today, with film I wouldn't have any money left for vacation :-)




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IMHO, If you don't have a wide angle lens on any trip you will suffer. I went to Europe last year with 28-80 zoom. I swear some of those cathedrals did not fit into 28 mm angle !!


Sounds like you will have a full - frame camera. Good.

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I would say take the 24 and 50mm if you want to go light. I have the 28-70 as well and if I put it on my D60 without the vertical grip / battery pack, it is very unbalanced for me and I have to constantly be aware of the inbalance. since you dont want to bring your booster, I would say go small and light and that is with 2 tiny primes.


I would leave the big flash home too, either get one of the small speed lights or go with the built on flash of another body.

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I am in the same pickle...


I have an EOS 3, 28-70, 70-200 4L and a 85mm 1.8...I'm going on a Mediterranean cruise in October and am wondering what would be a great 1 lens to use with my EOS 3 or which 2 or 3 primes....


We have some heavy gear...On the + side....our lenses are superb and do a wonderful job in their given range....I think I've resigned myself to dealing with the weight issue and based on my questions I posted here about lenses for the Mediterranean..I'm going to take the 28-70 and maybe buy a 35mm f2 or 50mm f1.8 for low light situations that the f2.8 of the 28-70 can't handle...The 70-200 4L will probably stay home...that is only based on reviewers telling me that when travelling to Europe and the Med they rely more on wide angle than telephoto...


On the other hand....there 's always a much cheaper way to handle situations requiring more speed than our f2.8 lenses can handle......800ASA film ....which has come a long way in a few years in its clarity, color, contrast and detail...


The EOS 3 and 28-70 and the 70-200 4L are a tough combo to beat....you have the weightier 2.8L ..If you feel you need the extra length...see if you can borrow a 4L version...you'll be surprised at the size and weight difference between the two...the 4L is a great travel lens...


Anyway.....As I've found out in these forums and talking to a few camera shops (B&H, Adorama, Samys, Calumet) everyone has a different opinion as to what is needed on any trip anywhere at any different time...


The one common thread I have found in most all my talks, reviews and readings is wide angle seems to be used the majority of the time for vacationers in Europe...Most people do not use a telephoto unless on assignment..



Well, I think I just talked myself into bringing only my 28-70mm L, 85mm 1.8, a bunch of 100 speed stuff, another bunch of 400 speed film and a few rolls of 800 speed film....I think that combo will work well...oh...and no flash....most places DO NOT allow flash and, depending on where you are..maybe in a fancy restaurant..flash can be very annoying ....hence.. the 800 speed film...


Good luck to you on your decision....and, please, email me what you decide....


Bon Voyage..



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It depends on your style (both vacationing and shooting style :)).


THe prime route will work and will be much lighter on your back which would in turn translate in more pleasant outings :) Also, it's a smaller rig that you can fit in any incospicous looking bags. The 28-70L it's a relatively big lens. So, if you want to take a break, eat a bit, drink a glass you won't have this big, heavy thing to take care of. Also, the 50 would make a great walk around lens as would the 24 really, and you would have plenty of room on the wide end to get some small spaces in the pix as well.


So, my vote would go for the primes :)

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I would go with the 24 and 50mm, they are sharp, have the speed

(since you did not mention a tripod)and are small and light..

that big flash you have going off will really get attention!


I use a Rebel TI (13oz) with a 50mm 1.8(4.5oz) and a 22-55 USM(6 oz)

for my traveling setup. Cheap, light, easy on batteries, built in

flash too. No one will give you a second look carrying this kit.

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This is always a problem with me and it will never go away :-))


One time, I was so crazy that I took five lenses with me to Europe : 16-35 2.8; 24-70 2.8; 70-200 2.8 IS, 70-300DO and the 50/1.4 prime. Well, every morning I have to agonize over which lens to bring for that day because if you add up the weight of all the lenses, I would need a chiropractor to travel with me. So, the 24-70 is almost always the only one that I would take from the arsenal. Oh, I also have my Leica gears for film. Absolutely stupid move.


Just bring the 24-70 2.8. Never needed flash.


Happy shooting.

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BA is the sort of town where you end up walking quite a lot - taxis are innumerable and inexpensive (though not for those of a nervous disposition) but there are lots of areas which really need to be explored on foot. So weight is indeed a big factor. Especially since BA has some of the best bars and cafes I've found anywhere outside Europe and the temptation to stay for another gets stronger if leaving means picking up a heavy bag again.


The Porteños are a deeply photogenic crowd - not just the beautiful young things but also the characterful, proud and aloof old men - so a 70-80mm option will help. Likewise there are places such as the Recoletta Cemetery and some of the grand boulevards where you'll kick yourself if you don't have at least some kind of wide-angle option. Under the circumstances I'd probably go with the 28-70. Never use zooms myself but if you're familiar with it then it makes a lot of sense.


Will presumably still be winter when you get there. I visited in July and there was a lovely diffuse light which is perfect for outdoor portraits without the need for fill-in flash. Nor is there much that one would want/be able to photograph indoors - so I'd leave the flash at home.

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Nobody seemed to have mention the Tango dance halls of Buenos Aires yet: these are usually dark venues that leaves a photographer begging for fast film and fast primes. The 50mm would do nicely there.


And for general street/vacation type photos, the 28-70mm F2.8 would be perfect, albeit a bit too heavy.


So there you go: 50mm and 28-70mm, plus some ISO400+ slide or bw film for indoors.


The 24mm stays home this time, but next time you might want to add a 85mm f1.8 or 105 f2 to your arsenal so you can have the fairly compact trio - 24mm, 50mm and 85mm - out on trips like these. An added plus: they share filter sizes too.

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Hi Robert,

i'm from Argentina and lived in Bs.As. for some years while i was at University, and i can't

give you a consice advice! All of your lenses will be useful, but i guess the 24 mm is a

must. Lots of nice euro-style buildings, very large parks, tight street-theatre/music in

Recoleta, San Telmo, La Boca, Puerto Madero etc are typical places that well deserves a

wide angle lens. Also lots of churches, cathedrals, museums, theatres, etc. Please, visit the

famous Teatro Colon, one of the best regarded opera theatre in the world.

Eos 1+flash? mmm, i guess the best is to buy a cheap Rebel or Eos 7 (or something with

built in flash) + primes. Remember that you are visiting a not too safe city (not as safe as

like Firenze or London) and a EOS 1 + L

zoom will be too notorious and will look too expensive too!!! I'm not saying that you will

be unsafe, but taking some basic care is the best way to return home with all your


i'm not sure if you will need the long zoom, perhaps just a 85-135 mm prime is right

enough (plus the 24mm!! please carry that lens everytime!).

Obvioulsy like every large city, you will have chances to use everything from 15 to 500mm

but i guess 24mm + 50mm + longer prime, will be enough.

Are you going in September right? Sept. generally is a sunny month in Bs.As. but rain can

be also present, cause it is a coastal city so get clothes accordingly.

film? whatever you want from 100 to 1600 B&W. I think Bs.As is a great city to take black

and white pictures.

If you need any other advice, just ask!

best regards


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I just went on a trip to the rockies. There were two people shooting. The camera kit included:


P&S cameras: 1 P&S digicam and 1 P&S film camera


SLR Cameras: 1 Elan 7NE, 1 EOS 630, 1 10D


Lenses: 24/2.8, 35/2, 50/1.8, 28-105, 75-300, 17-40/4L, 70-200/4L and 1.4 TC.


Accessories: Laptop, CD burner, tripod, 550EX flash, monopod. 2 x 512 flash cards, one 10D battery. Two polarizers


WHAT A KIT! Needed two people to carry this all on a plane.


Items that never left the car: Both P&S cameras. The 35/2 and 75-300 lenses. The monopod. NOTE: If I was in a city, both P&S cameras would have been needed.


What I hiked with everyday: Friend had Elan 7Ne with 28-105. I had backpack with 10D, 630, 24/2.8, 17-40/4L, 50/1.8, 70-200/4L with TC attached. Usually one body and lens were around my neck.


The flash and tripod were used, but infrequently. Usually stayed in the car. The kit was very heavy, but well worth the effort. Key learnings:


1) My friend really liked the 17-40/4L on the Elan. Tough to share.


2) When you need a telephoto, you need a telephoto. Although the 70-200 (with TC) was only used for 10% of the shots, it was indespensible for wildlife.


3) The only reason I had a film SLR was for landscapes with wide dynamic range. Digital is not good enough to use exclusively.



If I had to do it again (if alone), I would carry the following every day: 10D, 17-40/4L, 50/1.8, and 70-200/4L with TC. Everything else would stay in the hotel room.


In cities, I would ADD a digital P&S and probably drop the 70-200 in the bag.


At night, or if indoor stuff was planned, I would add the 550EX and monopod to the bag. I would not bring the 70-200 or 630 but I would bring the 24/2.8


Tripod is good, but limited in portability.

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