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Red Tint with Speedotron Studio Flash

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Need a little help here....

I am shooting with a Nikon Coolpix 5700 and Speedotron Brownline

D802, M11 heads, and Photoflex XTC Softboxes. Shooting against a

black, white, or gray background, I always get a reddish tint to my

studio shots. I can adjust the white balance (set to strobe) to +3

for less red and somewhat cure the problem. But, I don't understand

what is shifting the white balance so much.

Thanks for your thoughts...


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Set the camera WB to Daylight/sunny. Studio strobes are color balanced for daylight film... It won't be perfect, but a lot closer.


Alternatively you can (if the 5700 allows) use preset white balance via a gray card. The book says you can use a white card but I've subsequently learned through multiple failed attempts that it's too bright and won't properly allow you to preset a WB. This will be the most accurate WB.

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I don't have the Coolpix Manual - can't find on line. But does the manual say what the

temperature equivalent of that setting is? I believe the Speedotron strobes ar 5500K. I set

the temperature directly on my Canon... Softbox shouldn't make a difference. I'll assume

you don't have red walls. :-)

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