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Flat 20x24 Prints


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In the past I've used a flattening agent named "Super Flat" to keep

my fiber based 20x24 prints from wrinkling and curling as they

dry. "Super Flat" is very hard to find and I have run out of it. What

is the best alternative method for keeping a large print from

wrinkling and curling as it dries? I already use drying screens with

the picture facing down; however, the prints still wrinkle up. Do I

need to use a drum dryer, or can I use a drymount press to help a

print dry flat.


Thanks in Advance

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A dry mount press is the best and quickest way to flatten FB paper. I've tried the Edwal Flat Print solution with little improvement in results. Presses are quite expensive new ($1k+), but can be purchased used. My press, a 13x15 Technal cost $200. I ran an ad on photonet and got a response within one day.


Another way that works pretty well is to dry the print, then wipe the back with a damp towel just until the print starts to go limp. I then use to stack up to 1/2 dozen 11x14 prints between mat boards and place a weight, such as a dozen Nat. Geographics on top. Be sure that all the prints are facing in one direction, emulsions will stick together!

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