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RZ67 vs. RZ67 Pro II


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RZ 67II has a right hand precision focus knob and, according with Mamiya indications, some minor mechanical improvements, transparent to the user.


RZ II film backs have two frame counters, RZ only one.


Both cameras share all the lenses and most acessories included AE prism finder II that gives half speed capabilities to the older RZ too.



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If you buy new, the RZ67 II is what you will get. If you go this route, you won't be sorry. It's an excellent camera with a great selection of lenses.


In the used market, you will find anything you want. Be careful, since these cameras often get hard, continuous use. Good luck.

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Jim McChesney , jun 08, 2004; 12:34 p.m.

060804 1133 Would someone please hi-light the distinctions between the Mamiya RB and RZ Cameras for me? I went to the Mamiya WebSite and printed off the specs. The cameras seem so close to one other, except for some slight mechanical differences, that I do not see any significant differences. I would appreciate being enlightened.

Right now, I shoot with the 645 AFD and I really enjoy it. Thanks in advance. Jim



Pavel Pinkas , jun 08, 2004; 01:01 p.m.

RZ is an electronic version of RB. See the following thread for more details (read it in full):



John Wire , jun 08, 2004; 03:07 p.m.

RZ....... batteries.

RB....... no batteries


todd schoenbaum , jun 08, 2004; 03:30 p.m.

I own an RB, but the RZ has the advantage of being able to use lenses from both systems, however it does not work the other way around. Also I believe that all the lenses made specifically for the RZ are the new generation, computer designed lenses, whereas only the KL lenses for the RB are of this new design.

todd schoenbaum


Douglas Green , jun 08, 2004; 03:43 p.m.

As others have said, RB: mechanical, RZ: Electronic

RZ can take modern accessories like digital backs & Auto Exposure MeterPrism Heads


Also, RZ CAN use RB lenses, RB CANNOT use RZ lenses


RB is heavier, and requires separate actions to cock the shutter and advance the film - thus it is poor ergonomically for shooting moving subject matter, especially handheld.


RB is pretty much indestructible, RZ is reliable, but not indestructable.


I use an RZ67 extensively (with both RB and RZ lenses), and keep an RB67 as a studio camera and emergency backup, mainly because the RB67s have dropped so much in price that it's not worth selling the body and back, which together I would get less than $300 for.


D N , jun 08, 2004; 06:03 p.m.

RZ Pro II has some fail safes that RB omits such as safety interlock to ensure the dark slide has been removed. The RZ also automatically changes vertical/horozontal masking and RB did not?


D N , jun 08, 2004; 06:05 p.m.

And the RZ Pro II will work without batteries, but at a fixed 1/400 shutter speed if I recall correctly.


Brett Kosmider , jun 09, 2004; 09:50 p.m.

DN, not true, the RB67 Pro S and SD provide a safety to ensure the dark slide has been removed, as well as the vertical/horiz framing (there are red bars that slide in and out depending on your framing). The price difference between an RB67 and RB67 Pro S is negligable, so go for the Pro S. Pricing difference for the Pro SD is a greater difference and all that you gain is the ability to use 2 additional lenses (75mm tilt lens as well as the 500mm lens) all other features are exactly the same on the Pro S.



Brian Hallett , jun 11, 2004; 12:44 p.m.

Correct me if I am wrong (and I know you will) but the RZ Pro II has half stop clicks on the shutter speed, a fine focus dial, a much brighter viewing screen, is much lighter weight, and has a vastly improved range of lenses. It will also continue to work in the future as a digital camera with a 22,000 dollar back.


Jim McChesney , jun 12, 2004; 08:29 p.m.

I want to thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question ? I appreciate it.

From your posts, I now know that though the differences are slight, they are definitely not insignificant. So far, though I?d be hard pressed as to which to buy as both have features I like and that are nifftyneatandpeachykeen.


Well, maybe its time to add in a 4x5. Thanks again. Jim

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"Go to the archives for an additional 500 posts on this question."




it's nice to see that you can be so informative, but you do not answer Tommie's question... he wants to know about the differences between RZ67 and RZ67 Pro II, not between RB and RZ. Better read the question more carefully next time...



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