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Experiences with OneModelPlace.com


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Could anyone that has experiences with OneModelPlace.com comment on

those experiences? Does the site prove to be of any value in general?


I did some research and it seems like most people posting on here

about OMP talked about their dealings with underaged girls wanting

TFPs. In that case, I wouldn't bother with the site. But if there

are any real interests, I'd like to hear about it.

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90% of them are wanna'bs and wont ever will be. but they love the fact of being photogrpahed. these kind of sites are best for taking what you want from them and being picky about who you shoot. if they are no good for your book then don't bother. i've never had anything to do with them but a few friends have and have adviced to becareful about using your name as it will google and some photogs get pegged in this market, a lower standard, from other "real" clients and are passed by.
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OMP was very helpful to me just finding subjects to shoot when I was wanting to try something out. That's about all TFP is good for, really - when both model and photographer are starting out. If you have experience, you're far better off paying a model with experience who is professional and won't waste your time. There are a zillion "models" who sign up with no intention of modeling - I guess they're just looking for attention because their portfolios never change and they fade into the woodwork with time. Then there are some who are quite professional, attractive and worth it. So, to me, it all depends on what you want out of them, your skill level and expectations. If you talk to some of the models you'll quickly learn that there are plenty of sleaze-ball "photographers" who may or may not even own a camera but have signed up in the hopes of meeting chicks - so it runs both ways. Good luck!
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Hahahahaha! Are you serious? Sign up just to meet chicks? Won't they look like a bunch of asses when showing up with a Kodak disposable camera from Walmart? What kind of chicks would go for that?


Anyway, so the site cost pretty much a one-time $10 fee and you can upload as many photos as you want? The site is not very informative.

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you more than likely can do the same practice of tfp with legit agancies that have talent in development that need shots too. there's three make up artists to every photographer that are starting out as well. just get a team together and play.
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That's not necessarily true. I know it's common for agents to use specific photographers, and there are ?agents? that set up booths in malls and lure 14 yr olds in with moms cheque book and have their own so called fashion photographers on the books. But a little investigating and you should be able to find some reputable C agents, which may have models on OMP, but the route I've described is also an introduction to the agents and is a foot in the door approach to legitamcy while at the same time doesn?t associate you with the pervy part timers on OMP that you can quickly get pegged as. Don't get me wrong, some OMP relationships work out, but for the most part it is filled with models that wont ever be models and photographers that aren't ever going to be doing fashion work. So yeah, find a great make up artist that is starting out and start approaching the agents. Then find a stylist in the same boat and work and build books together. Everyone is this business is taught to give everyone ten minutes. If you have an eye and appear trust worthy and ligit then that?s all you need. It's slow, but even Mario Testino started from scratch selling whole portfolios for $50 including mkup not too long ago.
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<I>Hahahahaha! Are you serious? Sign up just to meet chicks? Won't they look like a bunch of asses when showing up with a Kodak disposable camera from Walmart? What kind of chicks would go for that?</i><P>


Yeah, I'm serious. The worst ones contact model wannabes who are not living in the same state, tell 'em they're gorgeous, promise them the moon, buy them plane tickets and when they arrive take them to their "studio" - which turns out to be in a trailer park. Who knows what's going through their apparently demented heads. In cases like that, the models have to be pretty dumb to fall for it, but it happens. The "photographers" are preying on their aspirations and it's pretty sad. The chicks don't "go for it" - they get suckered into it.<P>


Fortunately this is the exception rather than the rule and a "photographer" who pulls something like that is banned PDQ.<div>00ApHL-21438284.thumb.jpg.f89c3072a430270041485b95f163a81b.jpg</div>

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I guess checking the "photographer's" portfolio is no guarantee either. They can just come here and download a bunch of our pictures and claim as their own.


I'll check out OMP and my local model agents. I stopped doing this professionally several years ago. But now that I am going to law school, I need something to pay the bills but nothing full time or requiring a rigid schedule. I worked my way up a studio before, but now it's not in business anymore apparently (or got its name changed). I'm thinking about doing weddings, but I don't have a portfolio for that nor do I know where to start...

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Well I'm trying not to deal with underaged models. It's just a lot of trouble. All in all, I'm trying to start something myself that will generate some money instead of working for another studio on a set schedule. I don't know if anything will ever come out of this, but I won't know for sure until I try.
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I've had an OMP account for almost a year now, and most of the models I contact don't bother writing back. And those who do contact me I'm usually not interested in shooting. I suspect there's a huge difference between the paid assignment models and the TFP ones, and as I'm only doing this stuff for fun I only look for TFP.


Do a search for the models on OMP in the DC area. Look at their portfolios and if you like what you see then sign up. It's pretty cheap for the basic membership. If not, look elsewhere, but I don't know of any other sites that would be as helpful.


I live in the northern Virginia area and I can vouch that it can be difficult in this area to find suitable models.



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Great advice! I did a portfolio search on OMP and that just convinced me that registering with them will be a waste of time for me. I know more inspiring models than their VA/MD/DC female crowd. I'll try again if I ever move to NY or CA :)


Hey Eric, I guess I live in a place where snow is a novelty and seeing your pictures of people that look like eskimos really make where you are an exotic location for me.

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I think it has some possibilities. I hired two young ladies to help me test some lights indoors. I learned a couple of things that I can use to screen potential "victims" in the future. One thing that Amy Powers taught me is borne out by this experience. Pay them something. It took me some time to get my gear set up. A no show would have been a bummer. The other thing is that "amateur,some experience" can mean just about anything. I won't go near a juvenile,just because I want a level of contractual obligation and a little more maturity.<p> Let's see,what else. If they have no experience with other photographers and need total pose guidance, then they don't have the "touch." I am exploring other avenues. This is just one. And I appreciate your question,Aris. General value,if your needs and expectations are not high. I haven't figured out the makeup thing,but one came well made up, the other, with no touchup to obvious blemishes. And I learned that,for me, insistence on a pre shoot get acquainted coffee is sine qua non. (They can bring boy friend/hubbie to that,not the shoot, I decided for my process.)

I had a well meaning friend give me the name of a lass he raved about(young but stunning he said). When I called her she said she was 14. Yikes,you can deal with that,not my cup of java.

I think it is best to go for "professional" and maybe negotiate down to a price one can bear. Call it "Equipment." And yes, not having to deliver a parcel of prints takes the heat off. I am still learning and I do fork up in the process.

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"Hey Eric, I guess I live in a place where snow is a novelty and seeing your pictures of people that look like eskimos really make where you are an exotic location for me."


The Artic is an exotic location for me too Aris...

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"Hahahahaha! Are you serious? Sign up just to meet chicks? Won't they look like a bunch of asses when showing up with a Kodak disposable camera from Walmart? What kind of chicks would go for that?"


A couple of years ago, I was in a model/portrait photography club. This club had both photographers, models and make up people. Most models were young girls still at school or university (about 16 to 25) and could be hired for low hourly fees ($5 to $10) because they basically loved the attention and wanted to get some nice prints for themselves. A few times a year the club had a "model-day". They hired a nice location and some members brought lighting equipment and set up some nice shoots. The models could present themselves to the photographers there. So you could see them and talk to them to find out if you would want to work with them in the future.


At one of these "model-days" a photographer was banned from the club because he was shooting some nude girls close up all the time. It turned out he didn't even have a film in the camera. :-)))

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Aris, you are in a large enough city to find real talent at agencies. If you want to aspire to shooting for agencies, they won't even look at you if your book has OMP type shots or from the local model club. There is a huge amount of women that love to be photogrpahed and wont ever be models and they seem to have no trouble finding photogrpahers that want to shoot them. I'm not sure what you want to achieve anymore. You mentioned secondary income while in college, you wont find it from OMP.
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