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Nikon D70


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I have a Nikon SLR 90S and I have been waiting to buy a D100 as the

price seems to be coming down ($1500 to $1100 range). I want to go

digital but be able to use my current Nikon SLR lenses. But now I

hear of the forth-coming D70 at $999. Should I wait for the D70

(don't know the specs yet)? If the D100 is likely to nonetheless be

the better camera is it possible that the intro of the D70 may have

the effect of reducing the price for the D100?

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>"is it possible that the intro of the D70 may have the effect of reducing the price for the D100? "


Not as such. What would drop the price of the D100 is Canon dropping the price of their competitor digital camera.


I'm going through roughly the same process as you are. Just watch the photography news threads for the release of D70 specs and the Digital threads for the reviews. Bear in mind there will probably be a waiting list for D70s for a couple of months, so the price won't settle down until people stop camping outside the camera stores. If you want the first one on your block, you will have to pay close to the cost of a D100 to get it.


Regards, Ross

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Just a guess (please: no rumors!), but it seems the D100 will be replaced soon. Why? Because the D70--if it lives up to HALF the specs as quoted on Thom Hogan's web site (and he really is a credible source)--will dollar-for-dollar kick the D100's petooty. And since it will be only a little cheaper than the D100, where does that leave the good old D100? On the bench, of course! The D70 will sell well for a few months, and then the D105 (or whatever) will appear on the scene with a roughly US$1500 price tag, just where it should be. But that's just my guess...again, nothing official, and NO RUMORS!!
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Hmmmm.... 3 frames per second for a continuous burst of up to 144 pictures, shutter speed range 30 to 1/8,000 sec, flash sync shutter speeds up to 1/500 sec..... can anyone see anything important (anything at all?) that the D100 does better than the D70 spec suggests?
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�Considering that the D2H is out, and the price of the D1H is only $100.00 less, I wouldn't hold my breath until the D1X could be had for a song.�


I don�t understand your reasoning, while comparing �H�s� to �X�s�? Two completely different cameras for completely different uses. A D2x is reasonable soon�

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The list price for the D1H may only be $100 less, but the market value for any D1H cannot be more than $2000, even in brand new condition. I paid $2000 for my D100 a year and half ago. Given the new specifications for the new D70, it could easily be a better camera than the D100. So if the D70 is a $999 camera, how much can the D100 be now (or after the D70 is available)?
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