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The Free Joshua Tree Workshop - a success!


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Thanks Per and Harvey (Roger) for all your hard work in planning this great event. I

had a blast sitting around talking with all you guys and being inspired by the great

portfolios that we saw. The tacos were good too! Thanks again and I look forward to

attending more workshops this year!

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This was a great opportunity to meet and talk with others doing large format photography. I learned a great deal and will continue to do so at more workshops. It was so interesting to see all the different cameras and approaches that people out there using and doing respectively. I was excited to see so many platinum prints and learn more about the process from those actually engaged in it. Per is a weath of knowledge and answered every question to everyone's satisfaction. The fact that he puts on these workshops for free is evidence enough that he really cares about large format and its continued existence. He also is not a half bad photographer in his own right(fantastic stuff Per). Now that I looked through an 8x10 it may be all over for me although I still do not know if I could really carry one around. So many shared thier work that it was like going to a gallery running 10-20 shows at once. I would encourage anyone interested in photography to keep an eye out for any of his future events.Cheers George
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I'd just like to chime in and say I had a blast - I was one of the least experienced photographers there, and this was the first time I'd ever hung out with photographers - everyone was very friendly and more than happy to answer all my dumb questions.


The standard of the prints shown by the other photographers attending where inspiring to say the least.


If you haven't been to one of these workshops - it's WELL worth the time and effort.


Special thanks to Per and Harvey for taking a look at my transparencies - the critique was extremely usefull and I feel I really learned alot from talking with them - the experience has definately helped to shake me out of a rut and start thinking about my photography in a completely different way.


Oh yea - and the taco's rocked :)

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Ditto all above. I'm just getting back to the office after spending

the rest of the week after the workshop in Death Valley and 395

and continually recalled several of the photographers I met at the

gathering. So many talented people in one place was a great

experience. A real inspiration. Thanks guys.

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