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Leica M6 question / problem


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Dear Leica Friends,


I just bought a second M6 TTL body (as a back-up + for B&W) for what I think

a good price in Europe. It is a new body, so under warranty.

I noticed the same 'problem' as with my first body (so I don't know if it is a

problem or just something to try to forget) : on the back of the camera, in the

area you open to put the film in it, on the left side, near the hinge where the

back opens, there is a bit of play, when you slightly press the back of the body

(when camera closed). It is a little annoying, considering the build quality of

the body in general, to notice the play of that part of the body.

On both my M6TTLs I notice the same play (although some more play on my

first body), at the same place : on the left side only of the openable back.

When pressing on the right side, everything remains perfectly in place.

I fear it may loosen up more with time and I feel uncomfortable with that.


Have you experienced the same kind of play with your M6?

Do you think it needs to be fixed (nothing wrong with the photos the camera

takes as far as I can see - but it is new and I like my equipement to be in as

good a state as possible - the built quality is part of the pleasure of using

Leicas for me) ? Or is it just plain normal and can't be gotten tighter ? What

would be your advice ?


I hope my explanations are clear enough (even worse for me to explain in

English than it is in French...). Thank you for your help !





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I've wondered about that one too on my M6TTL, and I've always assumed it was the spring behind the film pressure plate. Personally, I wouldn't press on it too often in fear of that it may fatigue the spring which may cause your film not to remain as flat as possible while passing through the camera. Just my two cents. BTW, I'm in no way a techno-phile so don't quote me on the, it just made sense: why else should there be play in the M6 back? Hopefully not a manufacturer defect, but now that you brought it up, it just sounds right (that is, what mentioned)
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