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twin baby pics

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the other thread about photographing 3 months olds got me thinking.

Although i've done my own children as babies in pics, and got some

decent shots, I was wondering if there was anything unique that

anyone has found when photographing twin babies (together)....my

daughter is expecting twins, and grandpa (geez, already?) wants to

get prepared ;o)

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First congratulations! Twins are great fun and I'm sure you will enjoy them.


I have twin boys (now 19 month olds) and what I can tell you is that the problems in photographing one baby go up exponentially when photographing two... One is never looking with the expression you want when the other is. When you are taking pictures you need a baby wrangler for each baby. Go over what you will need from them before the shoot. When they are not mobile the situation is much easier. Once they are mobile its chaos theory in motion... Try to get them engaged in something that captures their interest. I won't post the tired old photo (yet again) of my two standing with the chair but

its in my profile if you don't remember it. Patience and many frames of film on a couple of shoots will get some keepers. Try to take the photo's early in the day, right after breakfast. They seem to be at their best, most often, at that time of day. Make sure you stop when either you or they become frustrated because it only deteriorates further after that.


Hopefully this was helpful.


Good luck and have fun!


Jim Seaman

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you might want to try singling out there features. such as shooting just theyre feet or hands since this can be done while they sleep or when awake. ive taken quite a few pictures of children in the last few years and not once when there was more than one did they both feel like having theyre pictures taken at the same time. so you'll have your hands full, im sure. congrats again, and cant wait to see some pics.




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Having been a twin baby (still a twin), I don't recall any of the difficult parts of being photographed, but I wonder if you might want to stay kind of away from too much symmetry, etc. ("Twins?" "No, two wives!") And as a grandparent? Twice as many bikes, two of everything, etc. However, that may solve the two grandmother's laps problems too.
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