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Nikon D70 with 18-70 lens kit

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I am thinking of buying Nikon D70 kit and compact flash (40x or 60x



I checked with many low cost websites they all sounded like cheats

(some did not talk well, some did not even answer my simple question,

like "do they have in stock").


So finally I am trying to decide for www.wolfcamera.com

please suggest me any other website, which can be cheaper or have any

rebate ?



60x scan disk 512 MB






or do you guys suggest 12x will do the work.







Please suggest if u have any other website or company in mind which

will ship with in a week.


Most of "below thousand bucks" websites are saying 5 weeks to ship.


The thing is, I want it before August 10th.


Other option I was thinking off is canon 10D kit.

But that will be another 300 bucks more +

I have already ordered a sigma 70-300 macro lens for Nikon

body thinking that the place where i ordered D70 kit will ship in 5

days (that was told to me on phone before i hit order) will sent it

in 1 week. but now they are saying 5 weeks, if i ask why, he rudly

told me to cancle my order.






Another question for people who have bought Nikon D70 kit,


Does the kit come with battery and charger, softwares etc ?

or in other word, what are the minum things i need to buy to start

off ? do you guys think Canon will be cheaper in long run ?


Thanks in advance. your answers will really help.



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Before you buy online, check http://www.resellerratings.com/. They have ratings on most online retailers.


Wolf Camera is part of the Ritz Camera chain. In general, prices are a bit higher than normal, but they won't try to hard-sell you items you don't need, nor will they charge you extra for items that belong in the box, such as batteries, neck strap, owner's manual, etc.


Remember, price isn't everything. Find one that offers a decent bargain and try to stick with the reputable companies.


I've ordered from Tiger Direct on several occasions and have never had a problem.

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The D70 kit does include battery, charger, software (PictureProject in the USA) a strap and all the sundries, except memory cards. It also includes USB cables and a video-out RCA cable if you want to plug into your television. With the kit, the only thing you really need to buy to get started is compact flash cards.


That's all you need to buy - believe me, you'll WANT other stuff quick enough if you don't already have it. :-)


The memory cards I use are 16x 512MB Lexar CF cards and they work just fine, but you should make sure of card compatability before you buy cards for this camera - I have heard of read problems and camera lockup issues with some cards. The approved card list is on www.nikonusa.com - go to Digital Cameras and check the FAQ's on the D70 for compatable flash memory cards that they've tested - stick to the list to be safe.


If a salesperson answered me the way you say this person answered you, I would CERTAINLY take my business elsewhere - especially if they don't have a manager on the phone in another 30 seconds to explain why their employees are so rude to customers. There are too many good outfits out there who will give you a decent deal on this camera for you to be dealing with nitwits. www.bhphoto.com is a good reputable site and they should certainly have it, or at least be honest with you about availability.


The other possibility is to check out your local camera store. When I checked with the reputable online suppliers, and then went to Penn Camera (my local camera brick-and-mortar outfit) I found that they gave me as good a deal. In situations like that, I prefer to deal with the store 'cause I can always go back there to talk to a real person if something is mucked up (if you want to check, Penn Camera ALSO does web business... www.penncamera.com - never bought through the website, but the store itself is good).


Right now, I don't know of any place that is shipping in a week though - apparently availability is a problem with a lot of Nikon gear right now.


Good luck! The D70 is a great camera!

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D70 available seems to be steadily improving. Whether this is due to demand levelling out or the reported increase in production I don't know. Anyway, you can certainly find some good offers at photo.net's partnered retailers:







(had to say it, or somebody else would).


As for CF cards, I bought a discontinued Sandisk Ultra I 512, for a little less than the basic Sandisk 512 CF. I'd say that unless you're into weddings or sports, you won't really need the fastest of cards, but a step or two up from the basic ones doesn't hurt or cost much.

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Some websites, like Digital Direct, are selling what they describe as the "Nikon D70 Kit", but the lens they include is NOT the 18-70, it's the considerably cheaper and inferior 28-80. Naturally their prices look keen next to genuine D70 kit offers! After discovering this, and phoning to cancel my order, the person on the other end of the phone said they couldn't cancel because it was a "special order from Nikon"! After some argument he agreed to cancel, but my credit card was not refunded. A recorded delivery letter from me followed, but Royal Mail could not get anyone to sign for it. Finally they called me to say they had tried to deliver the camera but I was out! I explained to the nice lady that the order had been cancelled some time previously. A few days later my card was refunded. Am now waiting for a camera from Camera Depot. So check the specs carefully if you buy cheap!
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Shop around for Compact Flash cards. I was at Best Buy yesterday, and for $200, they offered a SanDisk UltraII, 512 mb CF card. However at Fry's Electronics, I was able to buy a 1GB SanDisk Ultra II WITH a $30 rebate for an effective price of $170. I know personally that this CF card works, and works well, as I have two of them. (Fry's is an electronics supermarket that actually got its start as a Silicon Valley supermarket that sold some chips on the side as an accommodation a couple of decades ago, then switched entirely to high tech and consumer electronics/software/etc.) The point is: shop around, especially for such small things as CF cards and don't feel pressured to buy the the "package" from one vendor. They may quote you a price for the camera that sounds nice, then charge you list for a CF card. Price them separately, then bargain for both as a "package" if you wish, keeping your options open. Hope this helps. (By the way, two months ago, I was able to buy a D-70 at a DISCOUNT simply by mentioning to a retailer that I stopped at his store on my way to buy one at his competitor's store, and he rushed to steal the sale ;-)) John
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The 10D is a very nice camera and you should get lots of good use out of it, but you may want to consider supplimenting the lens you are getting with a wide angle prime, especially if you intend to do landscape and street photography at all.


A 28-200mm lens on the 10D will act as though it is a 45-320 lens on a film camera - you lose most of your wide angle benefit. This is one reason the kit lens packed with the D70 starts at 18mm - otherwise, you lose your wide angle shooting ability (though you gain telephoto length). The 18mm at the wide end of the Nikkor with the D70 kit, on the other hand, comes out to a reasonably wide 27mm equivelant on a film camera.


Also, though this may be my own personal prejudice, I have never trusted 28-200 zoom lenses for quality much, but have nothing but gut feeling to back that up.


Unfortunately fast wide glass like that isn't usually cheap, but it may be something you want to think about later on if you do wide-angle photography at all.

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I bought my D70 with kit lens from bhphotovideo.com. They are the greatest. No sales tax and 2 day UPS service for about $30. I also asked them to notify me when the remote control devices are available. They did and one is enroute along with a backup battery - they recommended the cheaper generic battery. The place to get CF cards is Costco - about $65.00 for a 512 meg. I have bought about a half dozen cameras from B&H, both new and used. I trust their integrity and their professionalism -- definately not fast buck artists. I also trust buydig.com.
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  • 11 months later...
I got a D70S kit for $940.00 from Broadwayphoto.com I called them instead of doing it online. No hardselling of any kind,I got my Kit with the 18-70 lens with battery and charger,strap,Audio video cable,nikon picture project software,lens case,and a one year warranty nikon warranty.I also I bought a 1G 40x card at www.outpost.com or known as "Frys" here in so.cal for under 60 bucks. I would really recommend staying away from those cheapos who really alter the true kit. My cameras is awesome feels and good in my hands like a true Nikon.
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