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Fall of Film Sales Exceeds Forecast


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But probably not the best films, as evidenced by which films are most popular. And that

doesn't even include the coming implosion of processors, which have already seen

significant contractions for K14 and E6.

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Can I suggest that everyone who feels that film will not be available in any reasonable form, in the near future, goes out and buys themsleves a D2H or similar. This should resolve their worry.


Me, I'll stick with film for personal work, as will many hundreds of thousands of other enthusiasts. Have fun.



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I recall a few years back that some futurists were predicting that computers would bring about the downfall of the paper industry! The fact is that computers have caused us to use more paper, not less.

Best regards, Bill

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Oh please. You guys have it all wrong. If you characterize my remark about the posted photo as an unflattering wisecrack about the trashy way the girls are dressed, then you would be right. You could even argue that it was obnoxious and be rational. There is no reference whatsoever to anyone's ethniticity because it was not even considered or relevent to the comment.


When my sister moved to a new state in the middle of high school, she sat at a desk when a big burly guy walked into the class on its first day 15 minutes late. The teacher scolded the student for his tardiness. My sister, noting the chain of gold watches around his neck quipped when he sat down, "How can you be late with all those watches around your neck?" The guy launched into a tirade about how she was a racist and how dare she make fun of black people and that commenting about his attire showed her racist ways. Nothing could have been further from the truth. My sister's joke was better than mine. Those who accused me of some ethnic slight, however, stand in the shoes of the guy with the golden watches. Ironically, I was accused of making assumptions. It turns out that it is your assumptions which are wrong, dead wrong.


It is interesting that there was a wave of PC hyperbole where the was deafening silence from you GUYS to the obvious reality that someone posted a picture focusing in on a girls' crotch with a comment of how that is so "important".


At least the guy with gold watches came to realize that the new face he encountered did not have any racial motivations whatsoever. They became freinds.

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