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Did your Minilux (E02) remain fixed?


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I purchased mine whilst in New York on a business contract for a number of months. The store guarantee had expired when the error code appeared, however they sent it on my behalf to Leica's US service for sorting out. They estimated $375, which was only slightly less than I'd paid for it, so I had them return the Minilux to the store untouched, whereupon I picked it up and tossed it in the rubbish in the subway on my way home. I suppose that one could say had I succumbed to the cost of sorting it out my total investment would've been approximately what a new one would've cost from the start, however I decided rather to put the money towards some other more reliable camera.
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Mine was fixed for E02 twice in 9 years (in the fourth and fifth year), and still going strong today. But Schmidt HK never sort out the grinding noise of the focusing mechanism which developed just a few months after the extended warranty.


There are few compact film cameras in the market capable of its picture quality, however, having spent approx $1,100.- on camera + repair, I'm not so sure whether this is good value for money.

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