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Can anyone recommend a guide for Monument Valley?

cowan stark

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Business takes me to Phoenix during the last week of October. I'll

have a few days to kill at the end of the week and would really like

to go up to Monument Valley. I'd like to hire a guide who can take

me to photo-worthy spots for sunrise/sunset pictures since my time is

a little limited on this particular trip. A Google search turned up

a lot of options but I'm not sure where to start. I'd appreciate

hearing your experiences (positive or negative) with any of the

Navajo guide services. Tom Phillips with Kéyah Hózhóní Tours seems

to offer what I want, but I haven't been able to sucessfully contact

them by phone. I also searched the archives and only got a couple of

returns which were a bit dated.

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Check out -- Fred's Adventure Tours, PO Box 310308, Mexican Hat, UT 84531, (801) 739-4294. Try to get Fred as he is quite good with photographers (he's been involved with several movies, music videos, etc. shot in Monument Valley). He understands light and composition and can probably get you the shots you might have envisioned.


Even if you don't get anything set in advance, you can just show up and there will be plenty of guides around/available.


In any case, even if you just drive the roads yourself, you won't be disappointed! Enjoy.

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I took a tour with Freds a couple of years ago. I met him in the parking lot and he did seem quite knowledgable (when I asked his price he asked me the brand of my gear ...;-) )


Buuuuut, when time came to go I found out Fred was going with another group and I wound up with a young fellow who was obviously new to the business. Nice kid , but he didn't say much. If you want to go with Fred make sure you make that clear.

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If you expect to photograph at sunrise/sunset, you will have to hire a Navajo guide. Otherwise, you will have to be content with the headquarters parking lot for sunrise/sunset photos, which is not bad.In addition, Navajo guides will be able to take you to locations which are not available to those who are self-guided. I was there last fall and they were not opening the gate to self-guided visitors until 8 or 9 AM and were closing the gate at 5 PM. These are obvious gimmicks to "encourage" visitors to hire native guides. Fred Cly is among the best. He is a photographer, himself, and can take you to some wonderful sites. His father was a stunt man for John Ford, so if you can get him to talk he will have some interesting stories. Otherwise, don't expect a lot of cooperation from the Navajo people. They all seem to have a chip on their shoulder. Good luck.


Bill Caskey

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Try talking to Roy Lee Jackson, 435 727-3353. I was going to use him earlier this year but trip fell through. I talked with him in person and he seems to be okay.As said by someone else, be sure you get him and not a sub. I got one of Fred Cly's subs last two time's I went. Best to do afternoon first as Navajo time can be flexible. Also you have to tell them where to go or they will just take you to the standard areas. Good luck
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"they all seem to have a chip on their shoulders"...I agree but it was put there by good ole boys named Bill,Dave etc...We screwed em good.Mormons in mexican hat add to the insult by trying to spread their bogus religion.I hope native people dont lose their bad attitude toward white people and their ignorant,plastic ideals.
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