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50mm for my D70


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Unless you need some macro possibility, go for the nikkor. It's one of the sharpest nikkors

and every serious nikon-shooting photographer owns one. I have one and use it a lot, it

really is a wonderful lens. It's two stops faster than the sigma which means you can shoot

at a certain speed with 1/4 the light you need with the sigma. The macro capability of the

sigma is quite useless anyway because you have a really short working distance.<br>Hope

that was helpful,<br>best regards,<br>Federico Sartorio

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I had a former version of the Sigma and still have the Nikon 50 mm 1.8. The Sigma is a macro lens (right?) and lets you foucus to 1:1. However, forget autofocusing with this lens, it will take forever. Also, I never really liked the images this lens produces. The Sigma lens is also on the heavy side.


The Nikon is much lighter, still no mechanical problems since more than 14 years, and the pictures are simply superb. Just no macro.


If macro photography is important for you you may want to consider the Sigma. However, if that's not a very urgent matter I'd recommend the Nikon 50/1.8!

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For the money (under $100) you really can't go wrong with the

50mm f/1.8. It's fast and pretty good optics. But again, you will

be effectively shooting at 75mm (with the 1.5x factor). I solve this

by using a Nikon 35mm f/2 AF, which I like very much. It is

however, two and a half times the price of the 50mm.

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For $100, the 50mm f/1.8 AFD Nikkor is a really good lens:




I like the 50mm f/1.4 AFD Nikkor a little better for the extra speed; but the price jumps to $265:




Photodo actually rates the f/1.8 design as producing slightly better MTF results than the f/1.4 design:






So, if you don't need the extra speed, the 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor is a lot of bang for the buck.

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<i>lens quality is what i'm looking for.</i>


<p>I assume you mean image quality, not build quality. If you mean image quality, then

as the others have said, absolutely get the Nikkor. It has few rivals, and the Sigma is not

one of them, IMO. The Sigma has marginally better build, but you can almost buy, what, 3

of the Nikkors for one Sigma? If you want macro, I actually prefer the Sigma 105EX to the

50EX. I'd save up for that later and get the Nikkor now.

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I had a 85mm 1.8. It costs about $375 new. I bought a D70 and my $100 50mm becomes the equivalent of a 75mm 1.8. At that point, I don't need the 85mm and sell it. Or if I didn't already have it, I wouldn't have to buy one. Does that mean my D70 costs a net of $775? What a bargain!


Prior to the D70, I had a 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 90mm macro, 180mm, and 75-300mm for use with my N80. After the D70, I found the 28mm and the 85mm to be impractical (and unecessary) focal lengths and sold them.


Answering the original question, though, I'd buy the Nikon. It is faster, cheaper, and no doubt better consructed and sharper. The macro feature in a 50mm lens won't be all that useful - you'll have to get really close. Also, macro lenses autofocus more slowly than their stadnard equivalents.

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I bought a Nikon AF 50mm 1.8 just less than 3 months ago after taking photogrpahy seriously for 2 years. I just don't know why I never bought that one as my first lens. It's an amazing lens for its price! Light and focuses really fast on my F5 and F100. Not sure how fast on the D70 but image quality is superb. For $100 you just CAN'T go wrong. Buy one, you will love it and you will be happy that you didn't shell out much more for other!
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Art, go for the Nikon 50mm/1.8. If you ever need a cheap solution for macro photography just buy a set of used extensions tubes (any generic brand will do it since it has no optics in it). It still will be cheaper than the Sigma. Im my point of view, it has no meaning buying a non-Nikon lens (they are simply of of the finest glass in the world)in any condition unless you cannot pay for it, even though I would consider buying it used.

Good luck.

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I don't know much about the 50mm Sigma, but generally speaking, macro lenses are optimized for close focusing, naturally. If you use them at infinity, the image quality frequently suffers.


If you don't need macro capability, you'll be paying more for what is likely be a worse lens for your purposes because it is designed for something else.

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I bought brand new 50/1.8D (US version) from a major US store 2 weeks ago. The lens had a lot of lateral shake in the focusing ring (with respect to the body), and was having focusing problems - everything more than 30' away was out of focus, regardless of the AF/MF mode and the body (F65 and D1x) used. To put it straight, lens was defective.


I still want to get one of these (I shot other specimes and quality is outstanding), but I'll buy it from my local RitzCamera store.


Hope it helps

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