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10D - Compatible lenses


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Yes, in the Canon world, all EF lenses work on all EOS bodies, no exceptions. Canon "bit the bullet" and switched from FD to EF many years ago, which means that very old Canon lenses won't work on modern bodies, but it was worth it to full exploit the capabilities of the EOS bodies. Nikon on the other hand have kept their same mount - but their lens/body compatibility is a complete mess. It's full of caveats like "yes it will work but you will have no metering" and "that autofocus lens will be manual focus only on that body" etc etc.
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All Canon-branded EF lenses are definitely compatible with the 10D (and with every EOS body for that matter, with the edge-case exception of slow IS lenses on an extender on older bodies). My 50/1.4 works great on my 10D (so do the other half-dozen lenses I own).
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All Canon manufactured EF series lenses are compatible. There have been numerous

reports of 3rd party EF mount lenses (Sigma, Tokina, Tamron, et al) not working right.

Canon obviously doesn't give away all their technical data, so the 3rd party manufacturers

have to reverse engineer them. Depending on the lens, you can sometimes ship them back

to the 3rd party manufacturer, and they will re-chip the lens to work with newly released

cameras, sometimes for free if you are the original registered owner.

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