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Mamiya RZ67 film backs - doesn't attach squarely?


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Just need some feedback from other RZ/RZII users to make sure that I

am not imagining things ;-):


On both my (used) RZ67 and (brand new) RZII, (new and used) 120

RZ/RZII backs, as well as my new Polaroid back seem to have 'play'

when they are secured to the camera bodies. When I twist (or nudge) a

back, it shifts ever slightly.


Has anyone experienced this?


If so, doesn't film alignment get ever slightly out from what you see

in the viewfinder?


I hand hold my RZ/RZII most of the time and sometimes I nudge the

back. When I got my used RZ and a used back, I had thought that the

'play' was due to a worn part. Now, I am surprised (and rather

shocked) to discover the same problem with my spanking new RZII and

RZII backs which I have not even shot a single roll with.


Actually, this same thing occurs with any of my RZ backs attached to

my Lasergraphics film recorder as well.

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I have an older RB and a Couple of Pro-S backs, and this thing was obviously abused by a previous owner. All backs clamp on very tight to the camera back and have no play. In fact, it takes some effort to remove or rotate the back. The Solitaire 16D film recorder I used also had a Mamiya back and it was pretty tight.


I'm not saying you guys are seeing things, just the opposite- I've obviously been lucky. I've used a variety of MF equipment over the years and I've found Mamiya to be the most inconsistent in manufacturer and am puting off a purchase of a Mamiya 7 because I don't trust the brand for the problems you indicate.



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I have two RZ bodies with RZ and RZII backs. With all combinations there is small but noticeable rotational play between the back and the body but no forward/backward play. This seems to be inherent in the 4 pin locking design of the back.

I have not noticed any impact on the registration of the negative, although you might expect to be able to measure it with a microscope.

It is not a problem for practical purposes, and despite Scott's comments the RZ is a good system.

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Yes Ian, I think the RZ is an outstanding camera system.


It just really bugs me that there is "rotational play" (damn me for not finding those precise words). I mean, it is meant to be a precision camera.........


Well, it seems not to be much of a problem since no one else seems to have found it annoying or serious enough to bring it up.


Thanks to all who have replied.

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Just to clarify I didn't say the RZ was a "bad system", I'm just not impressed by the overall quality of the older Mamiya gear, and particularly the lenses.


Hindsight being 20/20 I consistently blame myself for not purchasing the RZ instead. Play in film backs not withstanding.



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  • 5 months later...
I had the same problem with a brand new Bronica SQ-Ai system, with the backs and the polaroid back. Just returned the whole system and am looking for something more secure. Sounds like Mamiya is not it. Looking at the Contax 645 system... anyone have input on Contax??
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