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los angeles - lab to make prints of digital photos

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After using digital cameras since 1999, I now have a backlog of

100's of images I would like to print. This is proving to be very

slow and EXPENSIVE to print them all myself on my Epson Stylus Photo

925. My home printer is fine for onesy-twosies, but I can't afford

to spend the time to print everything since I work 10-12 hour days.

Can anyone suggest a photo lab in the Los Angeles, California, area

that offers quality prints from JPEG files at a reasonable price?

I'd like to mail them a CD and get back a fat stack of prints.

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Can't address LA, but here in central PA, the mini-labs that do decent work typically charge 49 cents per digital print. However, I recently returned from a vacation to your area with 600+ shots to print, and found the local Walmart offered the best value when you considered both quality and price. Also, I have had a number of digital shots printed by Adorama in NYC, and have been very pleased. They use Kodak Royal paper, and the matte finish is more of a pearl. I just received an email from them advertising a 19 cents per print sale, so that might be an option you should consider. The information on their website indicates they will accept mailed CDs as well as direct uploads.



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Amazingly, Walmart & Costco print good pictures at very low price.<br>

But, since they are not professional, you do risk of getting inferior prints now and than<br>

I use Costco. I have about 10% chance that pictures will come out bad <br>

I stopped using them after last incident, it's not worth of headache.<br>

Most one hour photo labs will print for 25 cents<br>

Also, consider using an online lab.<br>

You can upload images online and they will send you good quality prints<br>

I think some labs will ship them for free with required minimum order<br>

I am in the process of studying them also. I need to find one of these labs ASAP.<br>

Good luck

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it is personal preference, so far I like clubphoto.com and costco. Costco is cheap, but a little bit inconsistent. I would say 90% are good, at least for me. just remember, at costco, either use its profile or sRGB (straight from my D100), and ask "not to use auto correction". their machine is by default using auto correction, I adjust my own correction, so i don't need any adjustment...i'm pretty pleased with the result, lots of my fellow photographers use costco.

worth to try...


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