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d70 BW mode?

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My Canon Digital Elph has the capacity to shoot in BW mode. I have

enjoyed playing around with this feature in the past. Does the D70

have the capacity to shoot in BW mode or must a person convert all

images to B&W with software after the fact? I have gone through the

manual, read the reviews, and have been unable to verify either way.





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B&W seems to be a lost cause or at best an after-thought to most camera makers. Thankfully, in almost any photo editing software, selecting "desaturate" followed by "auto contrast" to fill the dynamic range, and then perhaps a touch of additional contrast adjustment to taste, will match or exceed an in-camera mode. This can be made an action if you have a high-level program, and should not take more than a few seconds. Now, to get neutral B&W prints is a different story, as printer makers are in even more denial about B&W. Cheers.
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  • 5 weeks later...
I have to correct the statement that none of the Nikon DSLRS have a B&W capability. I know for fact the Nikon D1 has this, but like most all in-camera B&W conversions it is not the most optimal. Much better to use image editing software post production. Even the photonet review of the Canon agree.
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