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anyone Care to See Wide Open Noctilux Photos?


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>I don't want the secretary to rescan them. It's a new scanner, and she's still learning how to use it.




They don't need to be re-scanned, just re-sized in an image editor. I like the shots and would like to see more. Do you have any B/W shots?

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Is this humor? It's definitely funny. The guy with the Noctilux asks his secretary to scan his pictures. Makes sense actually.


Just resiz... just ask your secretary to resize the pictures. No need to rescan. Might want to tell her about unsharp masks. And maybe buy her a Photoshop book.


Sorry if this sounds rude. It's really jealousy. I hope someday I'll be able to ask my secretary things like that. Man...

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Recycling your uploads...<p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16197184"><p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16197484"><p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16197884"><p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16198084"><p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16198284"><p>

<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard/uploaded-file?bboard_upload_id=16198484">

<p>Hints: Tell your secretary to wash her hands before scanning. ;o) Get Photoshop and "save for web" to reduce file weight while maintaining size. Upload huge files on a dummy thread like <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=002d1u">this one</a>. Then make pics pop up by using an img src="URL" tag.<p>BTW, is it just me not liking the Noctilux bokeh and koma?

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You're my hero. When I walked into her office she was rubbing hand creamer into her hands, and when I talked to her on the phone (asking her to reduce the sizes) she was munching on something, how did you know? Spooky.


Henry, or anyone, feel free to play with any or all my postings. When I use B&W I'm forced into C41 emulsions for the worldwide availability of processing, so I usually choose color.


Desaturate at will.

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Okay, Mr. Bandwith, so you bought a 50/1 for lots of $$$$$$$$ and you're showing off. Good.


I agree with the call for Photoshop. Leave your secretary alone. PS 2 is good but PS 7 is great. If you can blow $$$$$$$$$ on the Nocti you can afford both.


Now to these bandwith expenditures of yours. I'll speak like an editor.


Overall: Interesting but no cigar. A cigarillo maybe.


The shot of "Please Wait to be Seated" is something I'd like time to think about. It's either very good or it is nonsense. I'm not sure what right now.


The shot of the singer. Would have been better if the top of the neon sign not cut off at the top. This forces you to look down. That would be okay except the foreground is unnecessary information. If it had cigar butts, condoms, or something it would be. Suggestion: Cut the bottom out to where the shot is showing just a touch of the piano legs. You'll have consistency and the eyes are forced to look at the middle which is all necessary information. This will give you an odd shape to your photo but that is okay for publication (and consider this a publication). The results are good but cry for more information. Go back to a place like this and shoot a roll.


The Mask shot is very interesting in its potential. The composition is a problem. The focus of interest is pushed too far to the left-hand corner. How to save this shot. Trim from the top at about where the other guy's head is and then trim on the right hand side, even if that means taking a slice out of the blurred guy with the shaved head.


Fountain. Fine but there are lots of fountain shots in this world better than that one.


Utopia: This is a note to an epiphany but it is not the epiphany itself. This is before or after the epiphany. Fine away for future reference.


Jewelry guy: The best shot. Composition very good for a change. The facial expression turns this into a special shot. You're earned your cigarillo.

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Regarding Lutz's comment about bokeh... In the feather mask shot the background highlights image as hard-edged circles, and non-symmetrical such that the "heavy" part points toward the lens axis. I've seen this same effect in Sonnar type lenses. An example below, shot wide open at maybe 1/4 sec with a 50mm f/2 Jupiter-8M...<div>00780K-16221784.jpg.cfd0a6f3283a53ce5c87cc05d128077e.jpg</div>
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All's fair Alex, thanks everyone for your productive comments.


This was more of a demonstration excersize more than art, as these are all handheld at slow speeds; nowhere near the potential of this $1200 (used) lens.


This is my situation:


These are Walgreens' machine prints; they are never full frame, the full signs are in the negatives, I checked. They were flatbed scanned in during lunch. I'm quite sure the company would not appreciate time spent on PS, even if I had access.


I have NEVER owned a computer or cellphone, I travel 100%, so these would be worthless to me. I use site and/or company issued computers, cellphones, even satellite (Russia/China) phones, so PS is NOT an option for me. Even if I purchased PS, company policy is no uploading/downloading software, so again, not an option.


I still have the original negatives for when I retire and get PS 12.0.



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