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Any new info on 1D replacement??/ 1D/10D advice


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was about to pull the trigger on a 10D purchase but I like the

handling of the 1D much more, (closer to my 1n) I'm keen to go

digital asap but I hear the 1D replacement is coming soon and if it

has the 6mp sensor, would be a better buy for me than the current 1D


however, the new one might also be out of my range at £3000 gbp plus

so given that I shoot a fair amount of action stuff, eg motorsport,

bikes etc would the 1D be a better buy than the 10D?


How does resolution and enlargeability (if thats a word) compare

between the 1D and 10D


thanks in advance for your views


Happy Snapping



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Since you're in the UK, plan a visit to the Focus on Imaging show at the NEC in a month. Canon will have a stand there, and you'll probably get the chance to actually see anything they annouce at PMA which is just a few days earlier.
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Thanks mark, I've already cot my comp entry to that show but as it is 350 miles away I doubt I'll make it...ah well.....as the shrinking man said to his doctor....I'll need to be a little patient!


I'm guessing the "new" D1 will be out of my range so I'll trip off to jessops and play with the 1D and 10D


has anyone any comments to make on the 10D build quality??


happy snapping

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My 10D is bulit better than my Elan 7, but not as well as my EOS 3. I don't know if that helps you. I feel comfortable enough handling it in most situations (not concerned about minor bumps and some rugged handling), but living in the desert I wish it sealed better against dust. On the upside, it survived about 3 foot drop onto concrete (ouch!). Not a test I'd recommend, but with several hours of use since the drop the camera operates as new, but with a new 'charactor' mark.


I agree with you about the handling - I'd prefer a pro model as well, and hope Canon offers a digital camera more like my EOS 3 (which I love!) next.

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