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colorvision spyder vs colorplus

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If you use a CRT, Colorplus is worthless. There is no provision for calibrating the display; i.e. setting brightness, contrast, and RGB gun values to get the hardware in an optimal condition. The gamma and white point are fixed as well, which does LCD users no favors. Colorvision stripped out so many features that I would recommend taking a pass on the software.
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I'm new to the CM stuff myself and have been meaning to ask the same question, but I have a few more. They're all for calibrating my LCD monitor and not a CRT.


Do I really need to set the white point to anything else than 6500K? What about the gamma to anything else than 2.2? Most tutorials that I read say that for most people these should be the values for an LCD. If I don't really need to set them to anything else than the more advanced photoCAL that comes with the Spyder is not really needed. But then again it might just be worth the extra $50 or so.



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