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White backdrop looks pink in Digital shots

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I was testing a canon 10D last week with a model. The pics looked

fine on the lcd but when I viewed them on the computer the white

backdrop was pinkish. I also found the same thing with my kodak

DC4800. The model with both cameras looks fine...(correct colour



The shots were done in a studio with flash. Both cameras set to

flash colour balance setting. The backdrop was exposed 1stop over

the exposure for the model. Both raw files.


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if its an

overexposure or underexposure issue with the white backdrop.



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Hi Greg, Yes, I've had it happen to me before. It's likely that even though you (I did too) set the color balance to flash, there's enough of a discrepency so that it shows on a white background. I suspect we both might've underexposed the background a wee bit too. Since you shot RAW, you might try playing with the color temperature in your RAW converter. I ended up monkeying with it in Photoshop until I got the red out. Maybe I need that Visine plug-in. ;-) Good luck!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks all for the responses. I've played around a few more times with digital shots and white background. Have set white balance to it but still get colour shifts to magenta. Sometimes 20 shots into the shoot it starts to shift...then shifts back to white. I'm just doing a selection in PS and ajusting the curve on a mask layer. Seems to work fine.
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