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Some ugly "mesh" from star effect filter


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I just got a hitech star effect 6 filter, cokin p series. I was

testing it out yesterday, and after developing the photos, not only

was I disappointed that I failed to compose/expose a shot worth

keeping, but my new star filter left some ugly "ghosted mesh overlays"

in the pattern of the filter itself. They only appeared in a few

images, and my theory is that the star effect filter is meant to be

used with the camera focused on the light source. Any better ideas?


images are in this folder:


<a href = "http://staff.washington.edu/jscoles/images">here</a>

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And for image http://staff.washington.edu/jscoles/images/_30_0235.JPG

you stopped down too much, causing some focus to be on the filter. Try to use a more open aperature so this doesnt happen again. For optimal effect, the light source should be in reasonable focus as said, but only because if it isnt in focus you wont be able to tell if its just blurry or the effect.


As said, the filter will give optimal effect from bright point sources against dark backgrounds, like a single streetlight, or fireworks, or buildings at night. Besides, It renders everything it can star shaped, if the filter did work in the compositions you imagined there would be a huge clutter as the entire sky would have been bright enough to render this "effect". Maybe for this type of shot you would want a fog filter or soft focus.


I wouldn't try it with a telephoto.


Stars are single dots of light refracted by atmospheric gases to produce sometimes star shaped "+" optical illusions. Single light source, dark background... Star Effect.

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