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How to use the FX-2 flash extender


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I just ordered the flash extender for my Canon 550 and I�ve a few

questions, ( don�t have it already, but it is coming, and maybe I�m

to curious and the information will be with the flashextender). I

looked in the FAQ�s and I didn�t find an answer

1. Do I have to set my Canon 550 to another setting than 105 mm?

2. What is the limit to use this extender ( I�ve a 100-400 mm and a

500 mm), I mean when going down to 200 mm or less (with the 100-400)

or do I have to change in that case the zoom of the flash

3. Are there situations where it is best to change the zoom setting

of the flash


Thanks for any response

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Keeping in mind that these extenders are designed for use with 300mm lenses or longer (because of limited coverage), I always leave my flash on auto zoom. Of course that means it will settle at 105mm with telephoto lenses. I seem to remember reading somewhere that 50-85mm is the optimal zoom setting for a flash with an extender , but I have never worried about it. There is no lens length limit, anything longer than a 300mm will fit within the coverage if the flash is aimed properly.
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Thanks for buying the flash X-tender. You should set the flash head at 50mm for use with the new lens {the lens in a blue case}. Older len's should have the flash head at 80 to 105. If you use a lens shorter than 300mm please preflash to ensure coverage of your subject.

The beam on light is very narrow when being used close up. Hope this helps.

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1. The original lens with a clear cover is optimized for use at 85mm.

The latest lens with a blue cover should be set between 35-50mm for best results. Set flash coverage manually, disable auto function.


2. This Flash extender is for use with lenses 300mm and longer. If used with a shorter focal length lens, you will see uneven exposure on your subject due to a spotlight effect. Remove the fresnel lens when using lenses shorter than 300mm.


3. For best results, test fire your flash with extender and watch coverage while changing flash head focal length.

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Another question:........

When flash is set at 105 it has about a GN 55 , by setting it to 50 mm the GN falls down to 42. Will I still win enough with the flash extender,( and how much ) compaired to no flash extender and 105 setting?

I will merely use it for fill in flash in sport and bird photography.

Thanks again for any respons

Edward De Bruyn

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