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Inexpensive ICC profile editor

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I have searched here and on Google groups.


I am looking for an inexpensive icc profile editor. The only live

link that I found was to the Colorvision product (doc something) for



I am still struggling with choice between buying custom profiles, and

making them with a scanner-based profile package. Research so far

says that I might need to edit them regardless. Main reason now to

get the editor is just to understand better what is going on.

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Check out IPhotoMinus/ICC Profile Generator. There is a link on www.photographical.net/scanner-profiling2_2.html which gives a very good tutorial on usage. Previously i had tried the programme but could not get one step to work properly - the aforementioned tutorial cleared up the problem and the three profiles I've concocted work very well. I set them up on New Year's Eve with a short break at midnight for bubbles - they haven't half improved my new year resolution.
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I think trying to do your own to save money is an oxy-moron. I tried colorvision print fix and sent it back. Even with their tech support, I was just wasting paper, ink, time...money.


Inevitabely, all these "do it yourself" profile editors (at least the _inexpensive_ ones) are like this.


Another option you may look into is just buying paper from a company who supports your specific printer and has a profile to go with it.


There will still be minor variations. Even if you have a calibrated monitor. However, you may find that it's close enough to suite your needs.

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I've used colorvisions Doctor Pro to remove obvious metamerism from prints with acceptable results. It' troubling to know though that one's profiles are deficient in the first place. How do you know what your printer is capable of? The persistence of that question finally swayed me from the route I was on, creating my own profiles with different software and expensive gadgets. After six months of fooling around, I gave in to the idea of letting some place like Dry Creek give it a shot. I printed out their target, sent if off, and a week later I finally knew what my printer was capable of. Radical improvement over my best efforts. I wish someone could have knocked it into my thick skull before shelling out all those other dollars. I did learn an extensive amount of color management theory, but now I run off a print in a few minutes and move on. Hope I've helped.
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