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Mamiya Service Experience

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This weekend I dicovered that my Mamiya 6MF meter died, the ISO and

the exposure compensation and ISO dials no loger functioned. What a

bummer as I am getting ready to leave on a trip.


The next day I sent the camera to Mamiya for service. For $30 they

expedited the repair, performed a CLA and I received my camera back

by FedEx 24 hours later working perfectly.


I can not possible say enough good things about Mamiya service. The

woman I spoke with was friendly, cordial and professional. She was

genuinely concerned and wanted to help.


As a result of my experience, my camera is ready to make great

images and I am happy to publicly praise Mamiya.

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Mamiya gives me the impression that they care about users of their products. They have lots of useful stuff on their website (like instruction manuals) and they run discussion forums monitored by tech dept (so you can often get free answer from Mamiya tech dept directly). However, English language in their instruction manuals needs serious help.
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My experience with Mamiya has been varied. Sometimes it was great--other times not so great. The worst was when I asked what the serviceman was going to do to my camera for the $400 they wanted, and I couldn't get an answer that made any sense. The person I spoke to at the time was vague and was "making up" answers to my question. Perhaps they've improved, but I now take all of my gear to a local repair service.
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Since you asked, the repair was $247.00

It included;

New winding mechanism

Meter repair

New rear pressure plate


And something else I could not read.


The camera is now like brand new. I was surprised that they replaced the winding mechanism, seemed to work ok but since these are becoming rare I did not object.


Getting my camera back in 36 hours was welcome as I needed it for a shoot. The $30 was minimal and very reasonable IMO.

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