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Book on b/w


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John: Before you buy anything, please look at Ansel Adams' books on photography, Vol II (negative) and Vol III (prints). Its not specifically about rangefinder cameras, in fact he hardly mentions them, but boy, is it packed with useful information about exposure and processing. Amazon.com frequently has "package deals" on these, both for about $35. and free shipping. If what you are interested in is the physical use of a rangefinder camera, these books won't help (his Vol I, Cameras will, a little bit), but they will show you what your goals are, that is what you can do with BW photography.
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Around 1960 there was a book called "35mm Negs and Prints" by Y. Ernest Satow. Back then most journalistic 35mm photography was with rangefinder cameras. I think it was only published in soft cover, and he talks about long discontinued films, papers and chemicals but it's a good book on B&W basics, covering more than just the darkroom techniques. Just don't expect to find any DuPont SX Pan at the photo store.
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