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I just tried the m-grip on my M-7 at the dealer. To me, the grip

appears to stabalize the camera in my hand. (I don't think it matters

whether this is true or only my perception). I'll probably buy the

grip but I first wanted to ask if there is any reason, whatsoever,

not to. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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The important point to consider is whether or not you have a camera strap attached to your camera and whether or not the camera store's demo body did or did not.


I too bought the M-grip after trying it on the store's strapless M6, it felt good, just enough to help reduce hand fatigue. I paid the man the money and off I went.


When I got home, put it on my body (with its strap) and ouch !!


Whithout the grip, I hold my body with my right hand and the strap lug attachment go between my first and second fingers. With the grip attached the fingers go around the body more and therefore the strap lug gets pushed into the fleshy part between my fingers. It was very uncomfortable. I returned the grip.


As I always use my strap, with camera hanging around my neck, it's not convenient to hold the camera in any other way.


Of course YMMV.


Cheers !

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Why not?


It costs money.


It's not necessary. The camera is fine as is.


It adds unnecessary weight.


I don't understand why people want to add extra stuff to their M when it's right

the way it is. It's like the 'soft' release. The M has perhaps the best release of

any camera. Really, it can't be improved. Certainly the soft release doesn't do

anything that the factory release can't do. And the grip adds bulk to the

camera that adds absolutely no functionality to the camera.


Forget all these doo-dads and gizmos and shoot photographs.


[<I>Next time</I> I'll tell you what I really think. :->)]

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Herbert, I have the M-grip which I use on an M4 tethered to my body by only a wrist

strap. (It's my point and shoot camera outfitted with a 21/3.4 SA.) In this situation,

having it improves the grip; without it, I will always have the fear of the camera

falling out of my hand. I found that the grip did not add much when I used a neck


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I have had the M grip for several years now and quite frankly it doesn�t seem to make much difference on the M6. However, it doe seem to improve the grip on my old IIf. This presents a dilemma since it cancels out the compactness of the older camera. I believe the M grip needs something on the back side to keep the thumb from sliding around the end of the camera. All-in-all I am inclined to consider it a tour de farce (pun intentional) and just another impediment if on the camera and a PITA if floating around loose in the camera case. I sometimes find it useful but often question whether it is worth the investment. I must concede however that it makes a better connection to the tripod.
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The Luigi half case is an interesting idea. The design of the original Leica cases made good sense, particularly when carrying the camera and lens without other accessories, but by the time the M models were introduced, the �never ready� case had degenerated to the point of near uselessness � clumsy and ugly. Luigi�s half cases make a lot of sense, providing not only viable protection but convenient carrying and good ergonomics. Anyone want to trade a Luigi for an M grip and a little bit of boot?
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To use or not to use a grip is purely personal, and if you believe it will help, go for it.


BUT, before you buy an M grip, investigate the grip sold by Tom Abrahamsson, and also consider a leather half case w/grip from Luigi Cerscenzi (Leicatime). Sort of expensive, but great case, great grip and very functional.

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A suggestion to you all. Mount an eyelet lug on the M hand grip, similar to the lug on the R Motor Handgrip, and attach the right hand

side of the strap to that lug. End of problem. I will put one on my

M motor hand grip also.


Now why didn't Leica think of that? Probably Lutz will think of it

and market it as a "Strappado". (All of his products start with "S").



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When I go out shooting my camera HAS to be in my hand in order for me to actually make pictures - not around my neck and certainly not in a bag. I usually wrap the strap around my wrist a few times and let the camera dangle from my arm while walking. The grip makes things a little more comfy by giving your fingers a ridge to hold onto. Try one, you might like it. Just my 0.02.
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