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Pushing Tri-X

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Hello all,


I've done some digging around photo.net but can't seem to find

exactly what I'm looking for. Hence . . . .


Normally I shoot Tri-X at asa 250, develop 10' at 68 degrees, D-76 1:1


I'd like to push 2 stops to 1000. My guess is I'll process it in more

dilute D-71, perhaps 1:3, for 15'. Does this sound about right? I'm

looking for a good starting point for my test rolls. Thanks very much

in advance and have a stupendous weekend.



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Doesn't sound right to me. I shoot HP5+ at 400, process it in D76 1:3 and 15 minutes is a little short for that at 68 degrees F. I think I go about 17 minutes. Normal procedure with D76 and pushing is go with an EI of 800 and increase development 50% from normal. And that's full strength.


I would recommend Edwal FG7 or Accufine or one of the other developers made for maximum film speed.

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hi -- tri-x does not push well in d76. with a two stop push you will get very high key results indeed. some people have had good results pushing in hc110. you can try this. personally, i recommend pushing tri-x using ddx. i think you will be very happy with the tonal range, even at iso 1000.


i have long since stopped giving people advice about times. there are WAY too many variables (calibration of thermometer, agitation technique, water PH, age of chemicals, lot of chemicals, type of reel/tank, personal preference for neg density, etc etc etc). you have to test yourself. make up a test roll then start with the recommended time for no push, then do bits at +10%, +25%, +50%, +100%, +150% and see how it looks. if you are still not where you want to be, begin playing with dilutions. there really aren't any shortcuts. even if MY recommended time seemed to work for you, you would never really know if there weren't actually a BETTER time/dilution out there.


and then there's photoshop!!


anyway, to answer your original question, i am all but certain that you will find the time/dilution you propose to be well below what you will need to achieve satisfactory density.

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According to The Film Developer's Cookbook, D-76 STRAIGHT not 1:1 is the best way to

push Tri-x. Sound weird I know, but the film voodoo guys at the lab I used to work at

support this seemingly counterintuitive claim. Also, 1000 ASA is no problem. Have fun.

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i use tmax as my push developer with tri-x and it's worked great for me. it seems that it's not too popular here, and i'm not sure why, but i've been happy with the results. it's a high energy developer which means you'll get a little more speed in the shadows than with a standard developer and much shorter developing time. and in my experience, the grain is much finer than with a standard developer when pushing 2 stops or more. i wouldn't use it for anything less than 2 stops though, as it tends to give you more grain then. if you want to use your regualr developer, try an increase of 20-25% percent per stop. and whatever you choose, remember to test it before you process anything important. good luck!
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