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Nikon Capture and D70 NEF


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I've been using Picture Project to open my D70 files in PS7 but the

only adjustments available were WB and exp compensation. I had to

uninstall NikonView when I installed Picture Project per Nikon's

recommendations. Now, however, I went back and downloaded and re-

installed NikonView 6.2.1 and upgraded it to 6.2.2 and downloaded my

trial version of Nikon Capture 4.1. NikonView is working fine but

Nikon Capture does not recognize the NEF format and will not open the

files. Am I doing something wrong? Do I stand to gain much by using

Nikon Capture rather than NikonView, anyway?


I know this has been addressed before but the threads don't seem to

answer my question. Thanks.

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You need to download the latest version of Capture (I believe its version 4.2) in order to recognize the NEF format. You can do so on the Nikon web site. You will need to have the serial number of your camera handy, which can be found on the box. I think this will solve your problem.
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Yeah, I had the same problem. Couldn't figure out why Capture wouldn't work with my NEF's but then I did the upgrade and it works very slick. I hadn't planned on buying Capture, but after using Picture Project and Capture, I deffinetly need to get Capture. Too bad it wasn't included with the D70.
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After a lot of searching the various boards and Adobe and Nikon websites

without finding plug-ins for the NEF format available with the D70, I found

that there are actually plug-ins provided with PictureProject, which is a

sort of simpleminded transfer and edit application provided with the D70.

These allow PSE to open NEF files. (I have PSE 1, but I assume PSE 2 is the

same or better)


In the interests of helping others that have been looking for these

plug-ins, I thought I'd post the names and locations of the files. They are

in your


C:\Program Files\Nikon\PictureProject folder (assuming a standard install),

and are named:


Nikon NEF Plugin LE.8bi




I don't know if you need both, or which is the correct or better one - I

simply copied them both into my Elements folder at C:\Program

Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Plug-Ins\Automate, and, to be on the safe

side, to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Plug-Ins.


PSE then opens the files, though, as I think others have noted, the EXIF

info is not available.



(a pity that such a great camera comes with such poor software, BTW - or

that you have to pay for the presumably more powerful Nikon Capture 4.1

which comes as a trial version)



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