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Rollei 6008 SRC, light leak?


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Hey All,


I posted a question about this a while ago, but I just got the scans

from Duggal back. Does this look like a light leak to you? Or is it

some kinda user error?


I'm sending the body & back to Rollei tonight either way, but just

wanted to hear your feedback. Thanks again!

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It looks to me that the light band is growing longer as the frames go closer to the end of the roll of film.


My first source would be the film not being tightly on the spool. Try firming up the roll and appling the tape before removing the spool with the film from the film back's interchangeable holder. I would also suggest doing it in a shaded area.


Second source if this continues to be a problem is handle changing one roll in a changing bag or dark room. If the problem is still there the back has a light leak and not in a location I would expected given the design of the 600x film backs.

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Dale, I think you are on the wrong track with your suggestion that the film is not wound tightly enough. Look closely on the configuration of that leak. Intensity of the leak fades in direction to the center of the image, whereas on the upper side it has a clean cut border. How should light entering a roll outside of the camera know it has to stop short before the next frame?


Alec, I am not a camera technician, probably an experienced one could tell you just by looking at your slides what is wrong with the camera (and there definitely is something wrong, that`s no user error), but I have a guess: The black border separating each frame is composed of two shadows. Take e.g. the upper border of one pic. The lower part of that is made by the shadow of the bottom part of your camera`s film mask. The upper part is made by the top part of the film mask after the film is transported to the next frame. So your light falls in when the film is in the film plane, the longer you carry the camera in daylight, the higher in intense. BUT is does not fall on the next frame, probably hindered by a spool in the back which leads the film to the winding mechanism, or some kind of other edge in the back, probably the latter since it is clean cut. When you wind to the next picture, you have that cut of your light leak, the film is away from the leaking part of the camera. I do not know Rollei, but I do not think it is e.g. the waist level finder, since the light leak should be on the lower corner of the body, too far away. Have you checked if the magazine really fits tight to the body?


Keep us informed what Rollei finds.



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First: Light is not coming through the viewfinder or lens - the auxiliary shutter is ok (reason: the light leak covers both frame and border).

Second: It is not a badly wound film (reason: the light is not following the roll diameter but the frames and it is cut off by the next frame).

Conclusion: You have a light leak in the back. Most likely on the lower right of the cover. Check light sealing and replace it if necessary. The leak must be very small because the it takes some time for the exposure to grow (the differences in intensity on the various frames are caused by different exposure times - pauses between frames).


Good luck. Johannes

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, got the camera back from Rollei and all is well. Turns out there are some "holes" in the meter board that are supposed to be plugged up at the factory and weren't?! So I guess whomever used this camera before me didn't mind.... Good news is, it's solved!



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