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Wanted: the youngest LEICA-photographer here

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These are a lot of confessing LEICA-bugs for one day, great for statistics.


Will come back here and count after, lets say +/- 3 days (= around Sunday). But we can be sure just now, we could handle some more George B.s without any problem to get into the reach of the LHSA-average ...


Best regards

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23. Have only owned a Leica (M2) for 4 months, it took me a long time to find one for a decent price, which was from a pawn shop. And even then I hymned and hawed for a few months before buying it. Up until then my $30 Voigtlander Vitomatic 1 worked just fine, and had a built in meter!
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38. Owned Nikons since high school, mostly shooting with an FM-2 and a 28mm. Sold several old Nikons to acquire an 0-Series in 2001, so I don't know if you count me or not. Still got some Nikon stuff for times when I want to look through an actual viewfinder and focus and stuff.
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Bart, I was just yanking your chain, glad you're not one of the humorless PMSing "artistes" that skulk around here. I'm happy there are a few people with more than a decade of ambulatory health ahead of them that are buying and using Leicas.
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I'm a 36 year old cheapskate engineer - I've got the Summicron-C, and have been fooling around with RF's for a little over a year and watching for a good deal on a used Leica body. But having just picked up a Mamiya M6 w/lens for $800, I kind of doubt that any Leica body is going to be considered "a good deal" to me anymore.
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no leica gear to speak of, bang to buck i've found my bessa r2 and 50 nokton to be pretty capable. and even that i traded a d100 to stephen gandy to acquire. i have 2 enlargers, one gifted, one inherited; one film scanner, traded for design services; one g5, provided by work; and an epson 2200, which i purchased with money from a wedding gig.


i would like a user m2-m6 classic, but i am having a hard time justifying the expense.


and i turn 30 tomorrow.

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I had a chance to buy a new 50 Year M4 for $1000 and a used 1967 rebuilt Alfa Spider for $2000 from an employee of the family restaurant who was relocating to HK in 1977 (I was 17), but bought a new Datsun 280Z instead (the only new car I've ever bought).


I bought a 50 'lux and M3 the year I got a "real" job in 1983. My Nikon gear got stolen out of storage, among other things (Black Paint M4, CL, Snap On tools) while I was working in Malaysia in 1993.

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<<Andrew Nemeth , jul 06, 2004; 03:38 p.m.



I am shocked. I expected someone so pedantic to be much older.


<<Kevin Mendenhall , jul 06, 2004; 06:35 p.m.



Ok, now I'm truly flabbergasted. I thought you were named for the glacier where they found you and thawed you out.

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C'mon, Grant! Since the caption cites a film, a camera and a

lens that don't exist, and the strap says "EOS" in bold letters, I

thought the joke would be obvious. I thought you New Yorkers

were quicker on your feet than that.


It's a Holga scooter, BTW. All plastic.

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