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24-120 or 24-85 or 18-70


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I am in search of a zoom lens for travel. Currently, I am using an

F100 and D70 with a 24mmf/2.8 50mmf/2.8 105mmf/2.8 and 80-

200mmf/2.8. I am debating purchasing either the 24-120 f/3.5-5.6

VR, the 24-85 f/3.5-4.5 or the 18-70 f/3.5-4.5. I cannot seem to

find one feature to either sell or deter me from either one of these

three lenses. What do you guys recommend?

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First, you don't have a true wide angle lens for your D70 (the

24mm specs out to be 35mm or so). So, for that reason the kit

lens (18-70mm) would be an asset.


Secondly, look at costs. The 24-120 is $504. The 24-85 is $349

(with rebate from Nikon). The 18-70 is $339. (Adorama prices)


Thirdly, it looks like you prefer fast prime lenses. You will lose

speed with the zooms you're looking at. There are faster zooms

available (17-35mm, 20-35mm, 28-70mm). But faster comes

with more $$$. (You already know that).


If I had your lineup of good lenses, I'd get the kit lens for a good

travel zoom.

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Have you considered the Nikkor 18-35/3.5-4.5? Seems like this lens dropped of the radar because of 18-70, but if you're looking for a wide zoom for both D70 and F100, this would be a good option. You could combine this with a used 28-105 or something, and you'd have a good set usable on both cameras.


While I didn't like the 18-35 and traded it in, it's still a really sharp lens. Just don't shoot any architecture with it, and you'll be fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Choosing a lens combination when you dispose of both digital and film bodies is quite tricky.

I bought a 24 120, which on paper has a lot of advantages: VR useful at 120 (particularly because of 5.6), nice range, fast AF, compact. But I was very disapointed by it's poor optical performance. after shooting slides and digital, if not closed to f8 or better f11, results are quite bad. Even the color rendition is very cold. Some people are very pleased with this lens, did I get the wrong number? in any case it will not be really a wide angle on the D70.

I dont have any experience with the 24 85. but same remark for the wide angle capability on the APS sensor of the D70.

The 18 70 is stopped down a good performer for the price, but you will not put it on the F100.

So if you want lenses going on the D70 and F100, you should maybe consider a different combination giving you wide angle possibilities on both camera. The 17 35 f2.8 is a very good lens, fast and sharp, but very expensive. I agree that the 28 105 is optically very nice for it's used price. And the 80 200 you have is excellent and will fit both cameras. So that is 3 lens for 2 bodies.

One remark: how long will you carry your F100 for travelling...? I still do but more as a backup... and the day I will need it, will I find to buy my favorite slide film fresh in an exotic country?

Second remark: take you D70 fitted with a CF card, and while you go shopping, just make some shots wide open and f5.6, for instance a brick wall of a house as subject, and put the card in a PC and see how it looks... I discovered with digital how easy it is not to rely only on tests.

Particularly when more and more lenses seems not to have constant production quality.

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