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Lenses for Nikon D100


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I recently bought a Nikon D100 (also own a N80) and was roped into

buying a couple Quantary lenses to start off my camera bag with (I

used to shoot with Olympus Cameras and leses many moons ago -

switched to Nikon recently after 15 yrs + away from photography).

Anyway, is it worth the investment to go for Nikkor lenses? Is

Quantaray good enough for an amateur relearning the art? How about

Sigma? Please help! I don't want to burn anymore money at RITZ


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What lenses are you using on your N80? You should be able to use them on the D100 as well. If you are looking to supplement your lens arsenal I would look at Tamron. I have been shooting with Tamrons (as well as Nikkors) for years and (from personal experience) I have found them to be excellent lenses. They have come out with some new glass that is designed to be used on the digital SLRs as well as on the film cameras. Check them out.



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As someone who used to work at Ritz and has used them all, I think it depends on what you want to do with your pictures. If you'll only post your digital pics to the internet, never make a print bigger than about 8 X 10 and are going to shoot print film with your N80, the Ritz lenses will do you just fine; you might as well save the money. But if you want to do large blow-ups or use slide film in the N80 then spend for the Nikkors; you'll need (and notice) the quality. So, in short you won't see much difference between the cheapies and the good stuff if you are only going to make small prints (with print film) and post to the net or make only small enlargements. If you shoot slides with the N80 and want to make big prints with your D100, get the good stuff.
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Also, just because it has the Nikon name on it does not automatically mean it is a great lens. Do a search before you buy each lens - some are good and some are not. That goes third party lens as well as Nikon.
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Here's a couple sites that offer opinions on a variety of lenses:








www.nikonlinks.com (you'll have to do some hunting through this one)





I was in your situation a couple of years ago and understand that we're not all made of money. Good luck.

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<P> Spending a lot on a body and little on lenses is - photographically - a <a href="http://photonotes.org/articles/beginner-faq/lenses.html#whichdigitallens">very silly move</a>. It's like buying an excellent stereo system and attach it to a lousy speakers. A sheer waste of money. </P>


<P> Step 1: Buy the 50/1.8. Step 2: Save and buy yourself some decent lenses. Remember, avoid any <a href="http://photonotes.org/articles/beginner-faq/lenses.html#kitlenses">cheapies</a>!</P>


<P> Happy shooting , <br>

Yakim. </P>

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