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EDU 200 provisional test report


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Arista.EDU ISO 200, 4x5 Provisional Test Report �


Howdy ho to all those out in LF land.


This weekend I conducted a crude test of Arista.EDU 4x5 sheet film.

The subject was a bridge with pronounced shadow areas, axis lighting,

and a 4 stop overall brightness range, sunshine with a few clouds.

Yellow filter # 15, given a factor of one stop.


I based my ISO ratings on the settings of a Pentax digital spot

meter, 1/3 stop increments. I took several exposures at each setting

and developed the film in a Jobo 3010 drum using ABC roller pyro

1:2:100 and Pyrocat HD 1:1:100 (both from Photographers Formulary).

I went for 7 minutes on the ABC pyro, my standard FP4 mix and 8

minutes with the HD, both drums on speed three � IOWs, normal

development. Perhapsthis time was a bit short for the EDU based the

Bergger 200 recommendations offered by PF, but I wanted expedite the

testing; the recommended 8 minute time shouldn�t have increased the

shadows much. I also shot some FP4 at ISO 83 for a control.


Initial observations:


1) In the ABC pyro, the EDU rated at 66 to 83 gave the same

shadow details (metered placed on Zone III) as the FP4 when rated at

83 (my normal rating), the equivalent shadow detail was around 70 ISO

for the EDU. ABC pyro has never been a full speed developer for me,

but I was surprised that the EDU would be that slow.

2) The EDU in pyrocat HD exhibited aproximately a 1/3 stop

increase in film speed, as did the FP4. The EDU rated at 83 was very

similar in shadow detail to the FP4 rated at 100.

3) More overall base stain was noted with the EDU than the FP4,

with the EDU�s stain level appearing similar to HP5. Might be

advisable to skip the second solution C afterbath if running EDU in

ABC roller pyro.

4) The EDU had significantly more pronounced grain that the FP4,

appearing similar to what I see in HP5. The grain was the same in

both developers.

5) Sharpness was excellent.

6) EDU negs printed beautifully. Didn�t detect any

unique �look� to the prints. Contrast was similar.


Conclusion � While I plan to do more testing, I can say that the EDU

seems like an excellent choice for those on a budget. However, given

the slow actual film speed and grain, I don�t see any advantages of

it over FP4, Delta, T-max, etc., assuming you can afford these

emulsions. I suspect the grain for the EDU 400 would be too much for

my tastes. The EDU may have special push/pull properties that will

be revealed through further testing.



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