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Sunpak TR-2000 with SB-800 Flash


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With Nikon SB-800 Flash/digital camera (D70, D2x) you can connect Sunpak TR-2000 to the auxiliary sync socket located on a side of the SB-800, using an ordinary PC sync cable. Light from Sunpak will contibute but cannot be controlled by the SB800/D70.


This way you can shoot SB-800/D70 in any mode, e.g. iTTL, while Sunpak will be triggered only during actual exposure moment, and will not contribute or participate in any light evaluation that is done during SB800/D70 preflashes. Naturaly it only makes sense when Sunpak does not contribute as a main source of light, and is used for ambient (direct Sunpak to walls, ceilings, reflection plates, etc.) brightening the shadows. You need to make sure that Sunpak does not provide light stronger than the SB800, as over exposure will occur.

SB800 in iTTL cannot evaluate any other non iTTL flash, so it is your responsibility to make sure that Sunpak will not overpower SB800.


Generally, SB-800 and Sunpak are not compatible and will not operate together in any of automated modes.


In addition to mode described above, you may use both flashes in Manual modes, and determine your exposure using a flash meter.

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Hi Frank,


I should have explained in the beginning that the Sunpak TR-2000 is a battery pack like the Quantum, Lumedyne, etc..., not a flash. I saw an ad for it in the latest issue of Outdoor Photographer, for what it's worth, Steve McCurry is endorsing it. But thanks for the info anyway.



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There is no suitable power cable to feed SB-800 from TR-2000.

The 6 Volt insert module to TR-2000 possibly could work, but there is a danger that the TR2000 could be too powerful for the SB-800 and the initial high peak current could spoil the SB-800 internal voltage inverter. (low VDC to high VDC).


Though SB800 is a strange flash, as it accepts six C type alkaline-manganize batteries, total of 9 Volts. However alkaline batteries do not produce as high initial current as others, e.g. some rechargeables.


If Sunpak provides suitable cable for TR-2000 and SB-800 connection, then would be the time to try it.


Nikon provides Power Packs for SB-800 that perhaps would work safer.

List of usable batteries for SB800 does not provide any of Sunpak power packs.

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