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Going to Carmel CA


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It all depends on your interests but the Monterey/Carmel area has got to be one of the world's finest concentrated locations for photo ops.


Point Lobos State Reserve is widely celebrated and is just a minute or two south of Carmel. Land and seascapes, birds, pelicans, cormorants, herons, etc. Otters and sea lions are usually in the area and it's not unusual to see the local mule deer, especially approaching evening hours. The right time of year you can see the grey whales migrating (admittedly at a distance).


Continuing further south past the signs that advise "Warning Curves Next 90 Miles" will take you into Big Sur, again many State Parks featuring ocean access, redwood groves, waterfalls, and stunning views of cliffs, rocks, bridges, etc. If you go all the way through the Big Sur country you can get to Hearst San Simeon and the Cambria area.


In Carmel, if so inclined, the Mission is worth a visit, spring and summer is probably best for the gardens.


Monterey has some interesting architecture, from adobes from the Spanish colonial times into ornate early 20th century business buildings downtown. The State Park at the foot of Fisherman's Wharf has walking tours and maps available. The harbor area from the marina and fishing wharfs, the tourist wharf, and walking out through Cannery Row to the Aquarium is easily walked and offers numerous photo ops. The aquarium is world class. Fisherman's Wharf is compact and has a variety of small restaurants, fishmarkets, etc, and is probably best seen and dined during the daytime - the lunch and early-bird offerings aren't a bad deal, especially compared to a certain more famous wharf in San Francisco.


If you continue driving along the coast past the aquarium, the rocky shore line and victorians of Pacific Grove are pretty and there are small parks and parking areas all along the way. At and past Point Pinos, there are a variety of things to see. At Asilomar, there is access to the walking trails and boardwalks that lead along the coast and some of the world famous golf resorts.


That's really a nutshell. If you are active, there is kayaking. If with kids, the Dennis the Menace Park is an older (one of the first really) playground with various kinds of climbing, sliding and rolling play structures (although they've removed some of the earliest.) It dates from when concrete, rebar and expanded steel was fun to play on. There is a sculpture in one corner of Dennis, Margaret and Ruff on a whale's tail, carved from one of the cypress tree stumps.

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if you can, hit point lobos at low tide and at sunset. you can easily spend all day there with a camera. it is probably my all time favorite place to photograph since yosemite is too crowded. there are also two excellent photo galleries in town. long lenses are usefull for bringing in birds and sea lions, wide angle lenses are good for the landscapes and vistas.
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The aquarium! ive been going there since i was a little kid. i spent 3 hours there a few months ago. up until recently i worked at the aquarium in san francisco, but nothing compares to monterey bay.


you guys would probably freak at this, but id recommend 17 mile drive. the scenery there is amazing. and varied.


my dad lost his wedding ring in the white sand on a beach in Carmel 11 years ago, if you find it please mail it to... point lobos is interesting too. how about that waterfall that drains into the ocean in Big Sur? i think its called McWay Fall? i forgot the name.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I walked the entire length in a day, and I still do not regret it. You can see migrations of

Monarch Butterflies in Pacific Grove. See the golf courses. Visit the Mission at Carmel, and

San Juan Bautista which is about 15 miles away, and place of Vertigo filming by Hitchcock.

You will see deer on the golf courses next to a magnificant ocean. Drive down to "Big Sur"

to see rugged dramatic coastline. the Monterey Aquarium is world class must see. Go

scuba diving! Visit the shops.


Visit the nearby wineries!

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