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Mamiya 6 -- any reason to avoid it? Alternatives?


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For years I have been tempted to pick up a used Mamiya 6 outfit from

the likes of KEH.com. In decent condition with a 75mm lens the price

will be around $1200. My only experience of medium format

photography is with a Yashicamat 124.


I have heard great things about the Mamiya 6, but I'm a little

uncertain about how reliable it is mechanically and whether Mamiya

still supports it in any meaningful way. Any thoughts or suggestions

are much-appreciated. I'm after a relatively small, user-friendly MF

rig, would consider spending up to $1200 or so, and have been

thinking about the M6 and also the Bronica RF.

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It's a great, though now pretty rare camera. I've had mine for 4-5 years from s/h and loved

it. It's bounced around pretty much everywhere with only one problem. Smashed

viewfinder by very journo-unfriendly anarchist!! This I got repaired through a Mamiya

supplier (UK) fairly quickly, though not cheaply (300USD!).


Focusing has always been very good.

Exposure meter though is not so great at backlit situations as it's not TTL (it's on the


The 75mm lens is astonishingly sharp and contrasty.


The biggest problem I've had, has been finding a 50mm for it. They seem to be rarer then

the proverbial hens incisors...

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Jim's comment is sad but true. My solution is to have two bodies, and treat them gently. This camera would not suit a frantic wedding photographer because of the stress on the weak winding mechanism. Mamiya have no parts to repair the winding mechanism.


Mamiya seems to have no idea of the damage this causes them.

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I looked at the 7/7ii before settling on a used 6 with 75mm and 50mm lenses last year. I

was all set to get the 7ii, but the deciding factor for me was the ability to collapse the lens

into the body of the 6. I can't tell you how handy that is, especially for travel. Yeah, I'm a

little worried about the winding mechanism, but I just treat it gently and hope for the best.

If it goes, it goes. The success I've had with it to now will never go away. My favorite shots

of the last year were with my 6, and my wife just loves the square format (as do I).


This was brought up a few months ago, but perhaps we could get a few 6 owners together

to see about machining some replacement winder parts. I'm sure if enough of us pitched

in, it wouldn't be all that expensive and it would certainly extend the life of these

wonderful machines.


Oh, and another thing I love about the 6 - no lens envy! You get three, and that's it!

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I have a Mamiya 6MF and it's awesome. I've tried a bunch of other cameras before settling on this one.

But, honestly, I am getting SICK AND TIRED of hearing about this winding mechanism (half joking). Can we hear about this broken winding mecahnism from people it has actually broken on? I do not deny that it's a real issue, but I have a feeling it's gotten blown way out of proportion based on the number of posts I read that say, "Well i heard this and read this . . ." Can we please hear USER experience? Just use care and common sense. The winding mechanism has to move 3 times the film area and probably 5 times the weight due to the paper as a 35mm mechanism. It's pretty obvious you can't whip the thing around like a Nikon F2 and put out 2 shots per second.

I would say it is an excellent option for your needs IF you can't live without the square (like me). If you can, maybe you should look into the smaller 645 rangefinders if it will give you a piece of mind. Sorry, had to rant a little bit there. I just love my camera so much, I don't want it to die!


On another note - Chris - I wholeheartedly agree. We should all chip in for a body that works. Send it to Steve Grimes (or S.K. Grimes) to take it apart, make a mold-dye-whatever of the winding mechanism. Then if any of ours break, they could make a new one on demand. Of course this sounds like it may cost more than everyone just getting a spare body, but it will contribute more to the longevity of the M6 community.

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I'm with Todd on the film wind 'problem'. I've treated mine atrociously (not as badly as the

balaclava'd git that chucked it at the floor though!) and it has been fine.


I know at least 4 other photojournalists that bought them for their ruggedness (as well as

the 6x6 format and collapsable lens). One of them works almost exclusively on the West

Bank in Palestine!!


He's not complaining about anything more than being chased by men with guns...


Thanks for the 50mm ref Cliff

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I am not a professional so maybe I dont shoot as much as some people, but I LOVE this camera. Todd. let me konw where to send the contribution for supporting making a dye cast and I'll send a big fat check. This is a great travel camera and wonderful for environmental portraits. And there is just something special about the square---and if I want a rectangle I can always crop.
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I'm also interested in helping to fund the manufacture of the winding mechanism part. Next step- does anyone know exactly what it is? I think I read that it is a gear from which teeth can break off. Does anyone know what it's made of? Does someone out there have a broken one that could be examined?
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Mamiya must have dyes and/or patterns sitting around somewhere. Perhaps someone has

a cousin's sister's

boyfriend's uncle at Mamiya that they could contact? Sometimes just the "threat" of

manufacturing something on your own kicks these guys into gear.


Anyway, we could set up a PayPal fund, as long as someone knows of a reputable


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I believe there is a VERY BIG PROBLEM with a weak film winding mechanism.

There are NO parts available for repairs."


Not true, at least not yet. I sent mine in for repair 2 weeks ago and they replaced the winding mechanism. It seemed to work ok, but they said it showed wear. They replaced it with a new one saying that I should now have years of reliable use.



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hello ,


First a question for Mike since you said you got the winding mechanism repaired . From

where ? Mamyia US ?

Secondly, I think i want to bring my two senses in regarding the reliability of the camera. I

shoot 95% of the time in medium format and I have had alove/hate relationship with the

Mamyia 6. I got one, sold it, got one back. I have never done this with any other

equipment. the reason Is probably that no matter what people may say in this forum , this

camera is not so well-made (this goes also for the mamyia 7). In addition there are a few

irritating details. on the first 6's it was very easy when you move the dial to action the

compensation exposure dial and since the compensation is not shown in the viewfinder, it

is easy to miss several shots like this.

on the mamyia 6, the meter is not so good , not only because it is not TTL but chiefly

because of poor internal baffling, although it is supposed to be better in the latter ones.

Also when you have several other cameras, where else have you seen that a red dot

means camera off and WHITE means camera on. ridiculous

But of course , if you are not a wedding photographer, you are most annoyed by the

design of shutter leaf in the lens and the cumbersome process to change lenses

so why all that being said , I still consider the M6 an irreplaceable camera ?


simple only two reasons : the lenses are so good that It still amazes me ( and i don't think

this is the case for rb /rz lenses) I have owned every brand of medium format camera and

the two best lenses I have come across are the 50 mm for the mamyia 6 and the

Schneider 35mm for rollei 6000.

second the mamyia 6 is the successor of the Rolleiflex since it is the same idea of a very

light, compact, easy to use camera in the medium format market

The viewfinder of the Mamyia 7 II is brigher but why on earth did they give up on the

collapsible front making the M6 a great travel camera to carry even in a coat pocket

last , contrary to the Rolleiflex GX/FX/FW mamyia did not make the mistake of offering

only the 120 option. If people buy this camera for its compacity, why wouldn't they

appreciate to carry on a trip only half of the rolls and enjoy better negatives due to

increased film flatness

From time to time I hear this BS argument that the 220 is on the way out Because Ilford

dropped it. ridiculous. look at the market every star film is available on 220 . Tri-x in B&W,

velvia if you shoot slides, portra or B&W if you like black and white in C41, kodak

whatever if you shoot color negs and even scala for b&W slides.

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