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serious 3rd party telephoto

peter leponi

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300/f4 IS is very nice, more than that, even w/ 1.4TC, but I'm

hesitating to use it with 2TC(I don't even own one, just borrowed)and

I'm looking for some longer telephoto for wildlife, let's say 500mm.

I know, it's always the same old story, quality vs.price. I'm not

willing nor able to pay 7000+$ for such Canon gear. I've used to

catch some reports saying that some 3rd party lenses sometimes happen

to be very good, but it is matter of particular model.Any tips?


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Forget the third-party lenses and find a used 500 f/4.5 L. It should run you $2500 or less. Third-party lenses depreciate rapidly when bought new, and run a serious risk of incompatibility with future Canon bodies.
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Your best affordable solution is the Canon EF 400mm f5.6 L which you can also use with good results with the 1.4x to provide you a 560mm f8 when you need it. You may lose autofocus with the 1.4x. This will be a better alternative than the Sigma mega zooms that are often heralded in this forum.


It is too bad that Canon has not developed a 500mm f5.6 Mirror lens in the EF mount, but I guess they could not do it for much cheaper than the 400 anyway. Good luck!

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in their EX range they have:


500mm f4.5

800mm f8


50-500mm f4-6.3


300-800mm f6.6


I've met at least pro wildlife photographer who found the image quality of the Sigma lenses to be good enough to produce imges that sold.


Simon !


In black and white, everyone's a hero

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Look into Sigma's telephotos.


Yeah, the consensus on the web is that Sigma is junk, yadda yadda. Then you go to www.hoothollow.com and guess who is using a Sigma 120-300/2.8 zoom? None other than Joe McDonald. As far as I am concerend, that settles the debate for me.



I did a lot of research on the web a couple of years ago, and the Sigma 50-500 got very good reviews.. almost on par with the Canon 100-400L IS. Actually, based on test results, the Sigma 170-500 slightly outperformed the 50-500. And it is quite cheap... so that could be your budget lens right there.


I'd say your best option would be to get a 10D, which, when coupled with the 1.6x crop factor, makes your 300/4IS a 480/4L IS (I have the 300/4L and my 10D is going to be here day after tomorrow - that's what I am doing until next year, when I get a 500/4L IS).


Your second option is the 50-500, which, IMO, would be a better purchase b/c of USM, better build quality and more effective zoom range.


Third option is the 170-500.




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If I were to get a 500mm lens I'd probably get the Canon 500/4.5. Though I hear that some Sigma lenses are optically very good I - personally - wouldn't invest a lot of money in third party lenses because a) Compatibility issues are likely to appear in the future and b) Re-sale value is awful, about 50%.


If I'd found a used third party lens in mint condition at about 25%-30% of it's price as new I'd give it some serious consideration. I - personally - wouldn't pay more. YMMV.


Happy shooting ,


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