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Quick Shoe needed for Mamiya RB67?


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Just got my RB67 today and I'm already looking to add accessories. The double-cable

mirror lock up cable is easy enough, but I'm not sure about the Quick Shoe. Is it

absolutely neccessary to buy the Mamiya branded tripod mounting hardware for

having quick release, or is there an inexpensive alternative? Currently I have a Bogen

3221 series tripod (you know, "the green one") and as it is I think I'm on the cusp of

reliability with that pod and this camera, so a bigger tripod may be in my future as



For now though, will a standard generic quick release mounting plate work?




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I think the genuine Mamiya shoe has the advantage of two side pins which will position camera on the shoe. Generic tripod plate does not have these so you have to eyeball the "azimuth".


In other words, I think there is nothing that prevents you from using generic tripod QR plate, but if you use Mamiya quick shoe, the camera will be always mounted facing perfectly forward. I use generic tripod with my c330s (which has the same base as an RB (center threaded hole and the side holes for aux pins)).

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Using a quick release that has the anti-twist locks is a better idea. RB tends to creep when not help absolutely horizontal on the tripod i.e. when you pitch the camera. This has much to do with the weight of the camera. You will have no problem if the camera is absolutely horizontal. Else, investing on a plate with the anti-twist pin is a good idea to minimize the hassle. I guess one could as well modify normal plates to prevent this twist.
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