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Cambo 45NX or Sinar F2???


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Hello, I am currently completely torn between these cameras (Sinar

F2 and Cambo 45NX) and cant seem to make up my mind. I am looking

for a camera that will spend the majority of its life in the studio,

doing macro/product shots but knowing me , will inevitibly end up

outside doing some landscape, etc. Any opinions? I know the Sinar

is newer, but that the Cambo is a workhorse....any help beyond that

is greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you,


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they (at sinar) used to call F1 "the workhorse" ;-))<br>

<br>I don't think you will go wrong with either one, but there is one huge difference:

cambo have "U" bracket, and Sinar have "L" which is opticaly better design and gives yaw-

free movements.<br>My wote for Sinar (btw, I don't rember - does Cambo have a depth of

filed and tilt/shift calculator on it?)<br>


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i have used a cambo 45nx for about 20 years, and have occasionally considered moving to a sinar or other more upscale cameras, but i have never been able to convince myself there was any decent reason to do so. i am sure the sinar is a nice machine, but i feel a great affinity to my old cambo, like a friend i have known all my life or something. i am completely comfortable with it. it does everything i ever needed to do as an architectural photographer, and it never breaks and it doesnt seem like it will ever wear out. i also have to disagree a bit with the comment above about finding parts - the cambo system is so popular and so widespread i have never had any problme finding parts - all kinds of dealers have stuff, even my local guys here in salem, oregon, and of course calumet has everything.
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