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Vintage Camera website I made

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Hello, I just uploaded a site I started working on a while ago. Its

pretty close to being done as far as layout and all that goes, but its

almost all just pictures right now and doesn't have any of the info I

want to include about the cameras. In any case I would like to know

what you think. Its at www.butteryourshutter.netfirms.com, which is

free web hosting with only 1gb of transfer a month which will probably

be used up after only 10 people look at it. -Peter

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<p>You have a number of images of cameras that look as if they're

duplicates (or near-duplicates) of what could be found

elsewhere. What do you have that's new? I'd restart by choosing any


camera and providing information about it -- whether photos of it or text

about it -- that isn't provided elsewhere. When you've done that, go on

to a second camera.</p>

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Mark, thank you for your comments, I did find some of the logos on other sites, but none of what I found was actually usable and had to be almost completely redrawn so it didn't look fuzzy or pixelated when at the right size for the site. The Kodak one was a little tiny red and orange picture on a box for a kodak I had, as was the "o" in the minolta; these I took a photo of with my digital camera. The rest of the minolta logo, along with the olympus logo is just a typeface. The Canon IVSB is surely a beauty, I kinda wish I didn't sell it now, but I could probably pick up a less expensive one in "user" condition.<p>

Peter, thank you for your advice; I took all of the photos on the site myself and granted none of it is very original as of yet I was thinking of ways to set it apart from other websites. I thought that by doing something much like you suggested, and what I have written on the front page of the site as to what I would like to do with it in the future would be a good start on setting it apart from some other sites. What I have now is really just the skeltal system. I really don't have too many rare cameras, so the camera section will probably be more helpful to people new to vintage cameras than it would somebody more experienced. It sort of seems like the most useful section will be the lens section.<p>

Grant, I already sold some of the cameras pictured on the site before I began it without getting a chance to shoot any film with them. I'm not worried about getting pics with most of the slrs, but there are a few I regret selling before using, like the goerz tenax and the feca with the rodenstock lens. But I am really glad that I have and I look forward to shooting with the Zeiss Orix, and most of the lenses I have up on the site I kept. I really regret selling the aero-xenar lens, but without a suitable way to mount it would be impossible to use.<p>

Thanks again everyone for taking a look, Peter

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A real pleasure to see a Pentax S1a again (had a couple when I was a kid, never liked the meter much though).


As a Dial-up user, I found your site a tad slow to load, and as your host has you on a 1gb/month limit, you might want to work at reducing the size of the index pictures.


Us Luddites on dial-up (and old cameras appeal to Luddites) will be happier, and more folks will get to see your pages before the 1gb cut-off hits.


By way of example, I downoaded the index pic if the S1a (which weighed in at 36841k), opened it in a photo editor, and resaved at 75% compression. It looked just as good at a slim 5030k.


Anyway, nice site, I'm looking forward to seeing it fill out.<div>008jpu-18634284.jpg.ab4583f6e992bb3aa1293b334a3ff1cc.jpg</div>

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Hello, thanks again for all of the replies. I too have a computer with only a dial-up modem... it took a very long time to upload everything. I will definitely compress all of the small icons.<p> I have an SR-7 already but its the later version without the fancy edges and I like the one you have better, so I will take you up on your offer, Lucius; thank you very much I really appreciate it.<p> I don't like the Spotmatic with the crumby Yashinon either, but it was the only pic I had of it that was ok; my camera pics aren't organized too well on my computer so if I find one without the Yashinon I'll replace it.<p> Thanks for the link.
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