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Nikon LS50 -- Big surprise and irritation -- NO full frame !

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Hi all,


As a photographer I pay a lot of attention to the frame. I often put

characters or objets very close to the border of the frame. I usually

don't re-frame my photos. The framing during the shot is very

important for me and must be respected during the scan process.


I own a Nikon coolscan V for about a month. I only scan B&W negatives.

I was very surprised and irritated to see that the scanner does not

respect the 24x36 size of the film.

1,5 mm at the top and the bottom of the frame is purely MISSING ! I

get a 21x36 ! ... bye-bye the cool informations at the border of the

frame. The Nikon Coolscan V does not scan at full frame size !


Is there a special film mount to correct this problem ??

The scanner software doesn't change anything ... Vuescan or NikonScan


I suspect it is a mechanical problem of film scanner.

I just can't understand why 10% of the film is missing ... this is

just incredible and impossible to work with it.


If there is no solution ... then I will throw away the LS50 and buy a

simple flatbed scanner like the Epson 4870. I will then be sure to

have my all frame.


A little picture to help you undrestand the problem.


Thanks for your help.

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I was disappointed to find this as well -- apparently making the CCD a little narrower than 36mm was deemed a worthwhile shortcut by Nikon. I was accustomed to the problem on my Coolscan IV so it was not a big surprise with the V.


When a frame truly can't stand to be cropped, I will sometimes use the film-holder accessory and do two scans with the film moved a little up and down. Then I merge the little strip back into the picture. A real pain, but not necessary very often.

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With the masks, my LS 8000 is the same way. Nikon out and out lied, and is propogating the same lie with the LS 9000, saying the scanner will scan an area of 25.4 x 37.5mm for a 35mm frame- see tech specs:




And, If I scan a 6x4.5 area to leave a black border around the 35mm frame, then crop, the scanner totally screws up the color balance and density. Nikon Digital Tech Services freely admits that its scanners won't do black border 35mm scans. So why is the lie still on the website?

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Now you're getting me worried... Does anyone have a clue as to how the LS-40 performs in this regard?


Hmm... Could that be why the frame is longer in the longest dimension (that is, proportions 3.x:2)? I always have to crop the image in order to obtain 3:2 (=24:36) proportions...

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I made my own mask for the rotating film holder on the 9000 - I get exactly 24x36 with a bit of care. It does screw up the exposure but this is a good thing as Nikonscan screws up exposure anyway and deliberatley clips the highlights in negs. With a DIY mask I get the full tonal range. BTW - what camera are you using that has a 100% VF so you can compose for the whole of the film area in the first place?
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I have the Coolscan IV and that has the same problem, it is the mechanics of the holders. With the MA-20 (used for mounted slides) you can scan the entire slide. (Slide frames are typically something like 23x35, which is less than the neg-size).


For negs there are two options: The SA-21, which is very convenient but one looses a bit at the top and the bottom of the frame. The manual says, the scanning area is 23.3x36.0, which is a larger area than reported here, but I don't have a precise measure to confirm that.


The other neg-option is the FH-3. It comes with the Coolscan IV but needs to be purchased sparately for the Coolscan V. The FH-3 goes into the MA-20 (slide holder). With that one you definitly loose less at the top and bottom. The manual says 24.0x36.0 for the scanning area. This one is less convenient than the SA-21 to load the negs, but when I care for the extra area I go for this one.


Since my cameras do more than the nominal 24x36 I never get the unexposed outer space around my negatives. For my needs this is good enough. With photoshop I can draw any border around it ...

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I just find out about this last night using my brand new coolscan V!


Anyway I am disappointed - the quality of scanning slides is great but not so for negatives due to the clipped highlights. Plus the need to preview first and then scan. (for some reason, I suspect Nikon Scan rather than the machine), the settings can vary from film to film, if I inject a negative strip, the machine always scan it as a positive. All the framing is then screw up.

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In a comp.periphs.scanners post dated 9 July 2004, Kennedy McEwen

measured cropping on his LS-4000 using the same SA-21 motorised film

feeder, and determined that the active (uncropped) area is 23.5mm

high, slightly exceeding Nikon's 23.3mm spec, and greatly exceeding

Thierry Burlot's report of 21mm.

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